This is the last part of Andrew Ng‘s Machine Learning Course python implementation and I am very excited to finally complete the series. To give you guys some perspective, it took me a month to convert these codes to python and writes an article for each assignment. If any of you were hesitating to do your own implementation, be it in Python, R or Java, I strongly recommend you to go for it. Coding these algorithms from scratch not only reinforce the concepts taught, you will also get to practice your data science programming skills in the language you are comfortable with.
With that said, let’s dive into the last programming assignment
In this part of the assignment, we will implement an Anomaly Detection algorithm using the Gaussian model to detect anomalous behavior in a 2D dataset first and then a high-dimensional dataset.
Loading relevant libraries and the dataset
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import loadmat
mat = loadmat("ex8data1.mat")
X = mat["X"]
Xval = mat["Xval"]
yval = mat["yval"]
Visualizing the data
plt.xlabel("Latency (ms)")
plt.ylabel("Throughput (mb/s)")

To estimate parameters (mean and variance) for the Gaussian model
def estimateGaussian(X):
This function estimates the parameters of a Gaussian distribution using the data in X
m = X.shape[0]
#compute mean
sum_ = np.sum(X,axis=0)
mu = 1/m *sum_
# compute variance
var = 1/m * np.sum((X - mu)**2,axis=0)
return mu,var
mu, sigma2 = estimateGaussian(X)
Multivariate Gaussian Distribution is an optional lecture in the course and the code to compute the probability density is given to us. However, in order for me to proceed on with the assignment, I need to write the multivariateGaussian
function from scratch.
def multivariateGaussian(X, mu, sigma2):
Computes the probability density function of the multivariate gaussian distribution.
k = len(mu)
X = X - mu.T
p = 1/((2*np.pi)**(k/2)*(np.linalg.det(sigma2)**0.5))* np.exp(-0.5* np.sum(X @ np.linalg.pinv(sigma2) * X,axis=1))
return p
p = multivariateGaussian(X, mu, sigma2)
Some of the interesting functions we had utilized here are from numpy linear algebra class. The official documentation can be found here.
Once we estimate the Gaussian parameters and obtain the probability density of the data, we can visualize the fit.
X1,X2 = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,35,num=70),np.linspace(0,35,num=70))
p2 = multivariateGaussian(np.hstack((X1.flatten()[:,np.newaxis],X2.flatten()[:,np.newaxis])), mu, sigma2)
contour_level = 10**np.array([np.arange(-20,0,3,dtype=np.float)]).T
plt.xlabel("Latency (ms)")
plt.ylabel("Throughput (mb/s)")
I had not explained the process of creating a contour plot before as most are quite straight forward. If you have difficulties following along, this article here might help. In simpler terms, we first create a meshgrid around the data region and compute the Z-axis. plt.contour
then create the contour plot using the 3 axes (X, Y, Z).

Now to select a threshold that will flag an example as anomalies.
def selectThreshold(yval, pval):
Find the best threshold (epsilon) to use for selecting outliers
best_epi = 0
best_F1 = 0
stepsize = (max(pval) -min(pval))/1000
epi_range = np.arange(pval.min(),pval.max(),stepsize)
for epi in epi_range:
predictions = (pval<epi)[:,np.newaxis]
tp = np.sum(predictions[yval==1]==1)
fp = np.sum(predictions[yval==0]==1)
fn = np.sum(predictions[yval==1]==0)
# compute precision, recall and F1
prec = tp/(tp+fp)
rec = tp/(tp+fn)
F1 = (2*prec*rec)/(prec+rec)
if F1 > best_F1:
best_F1 =F1
best_epi = epi
return best_epi, best_F1
pval = multivariateGaussian(Xval, mu, sigma2)
epsilon, F1 = selectThreshold(yval, pval)
print("Best epsilon found using cross-validation:",epsilon)
print("Best F1 on Cross Validation Set:",F1)

In case you have not noticed, F1 score is used here instead of accuracy as the dataset is highly unbalanced. To learn more about the various way to evaluate a machine learning’s model performance, this article sums up the topic quite well.
Visualizing the optimal threshold
# plot the data
# potting of contour
X1,X2 = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,35,num=70),np.linspace(0,35,num=70))
p2 = multivariateGaussian(np.hstack((X1.flatten()[:,np.newaxis],X2.flatten()[:,np.newaxis])), mu, sigma2)
contour_level = 10**np.array([np.arange(-20,0,3,dtype=np.float)]).T
# Circling of anomalies
outliers = np.nonzero(p<epsilon)[0]
plt.scatter(X[outliers,0],X[outliers,1],marker ="o",facecolor="none",edgecolor="r",s=70)
plt.xlabel("Latency (ms)")
plt.ylabel("Throughput (mb/s)")

As for high dimensional dataset, we just have to follow the exact same steps as before
mat2 = loadmat("ex8data2.mat")
X2 = mat2["X"]
Xval2 = mat2["Xval"]
yval2 = mat2["yval"]
# compute the mean and variance
mu2, sigma2_2 = estimateGaussian(X2)
# Training set
p3 = multivariateGaussian(X2, mu2, sigma2_2)
# cross-validation set
pval2 = multivariateGaussian(Xval2, mu2, sigma2_2)
# Find the best threshold
epsilon2, F1_2 = selectThreshold(yval2, pval2)
print("Best epsilon found using cross-validation:",epsilon2)
print("Best F1 on Cross Validation Set:",F1_2)
print("# Outliers found:",np.sum(p3<epsilon2))

The second part of the assignment involved implementing a collaborative filtering algorithm to build a recommender system for movie ratings.
Loading and visualization of the movie ratings dataset
mat3 = loadmat("ex8_movies.mat")
mat4 = loadmat("ex8_movieParams.mat")
Y = mat3["Y"] # 1682 X 943 matrix, containing ratings (1-5) of 1682 movies on 943 user
R = mat3["R"] # 1682 X 943 matrix, where R(i,j) = 1 if and only if user j give rating to movie i
X = mat4["X"] # 1682 X 10 matrix , num_movies X num_features matrix of movie features
Theta = mat4["Theta"] # 943 X 10 matrix, num_users X num_features matrix of user features
# Compute average rating
print("Average rating for movie 1 (Toy Story):",np.sum(Y[0,:]*R[0,:])/np.sum(R[0,:]),"/5")
The print statement will print: Average rating for movie 1 (Toy Story): 3.8783185840707963 /5

Going into the algorithm proper, we start with computing the cost function and gradient
def cofiCostFunc(params, Y, R, num_users, num_movies, num_features, Lambda):
Returns the cost and gradient for the collaborative filtering problem
# Unfold the params
X = params[:num_movies*num_features].reshape(num_movies,num_features)
Theta = params[num_movies*num_features:].reshape(num_users,num_features)
predictions = X @ Theta.T
err = (predictions - Y)
J = 1/2 * np.sum((err**2) * R)
#compute regularized cost function
reg_X = Lambda/2 * np.sum(Theta**2)
reg_Theta = Lambda/2 *np.sum(X**2)
reg_J = J + reg_X + reg_Theta
# Compute gradient
X_grad = err*R @ Theta
Theta_grad = (err*R).T @ X
grad = np.append(X_grad.flatten(),Theta_grad.flatten())
# Compute regularized gradient
reg_X_grad = X_grad + Lambda*X
reg_Theta_grad = Theta_grad + Lambda*Theta
reg_grad = np.append(reg_X_grad.flatten(),reg_Theta_grad.flatten())
return J, grad, reg_J, reg_grad
Similar to the previous approach, the assignment requires us to compute the cost function, gradient, regularized cost function and then regularized gradient in separate steps. The code block above will allows you to follow the assignment step by step as long as you use the correct indexing.
To test our cost function,
# Reduce the data set size to run faster
num_users, num_movies, num_features = 4,5,3
X_test = X[:num_movies,:num_features]
Theta_test= Theta[:num_users,:num_features]
Y_test = Y[:num_movies,:num_users]
R_test = R[:num_movies,:num_users]
params = np.append(X_test.flatten(),Theta_test.flatten())
# Evaluate cost function
J, grad = cofiCostFunc(params, Y_test, R_test, num_users, num_movies, num_features, 0)[:2]
print("Cost at loaded parameters:",J)
J2, grad2 = cofiCostFunc(params, Y_test, R_test, num_users, num_movies, num_features, 1.5)[2:]
print("Cost at loaded parameters (lambda = 1.5):",J2)

Once we get our cost function and gradient going, we can start training our algorithm.
Loading of the movie list
# load movie list
movieList = open("movie_ids.txt","r").read().split("n")[:-1]
# see movie list

You can enter your own movie preference at this step but I used the exact same ratings as the assignment to keep it consistent.
# Initialize my ratings
my_ratings = np.zeros((1682,1))
# Create own ratings
my_ratings[0] = 4
my_ratings[97] = 2
my_ratings[6] = 3
my_ratings[11]= 5
my_ratings[53] = 4
my_ratings[63]= 5
my_ratings[65]= 3
my_ratings[68] = 5
my_ratings[82]= 4
my_ratings[225] = 5
my_ratings[354]= 5
print("New user ratings:n")
for i in range(len(my_ratings)):
if my_ratings[i]>0:
print("Rated",int(my_ratings[i]),"for index",movieList[i])

To prepare our data before inputting into the algorithm, we need to normalize the ratings, set some random initial parameters, and use an optimizing algorithm to update the parameters.
def normalizeRatings(Y, R):
normalized Y so that each movie has a rating of 0 on average, and returns the mean rating in Ymean.
m,n = Y.shape[0], Y.shape[1]
Ymean = np.zeros((m,1))
Ynorm = np.zeros((m,n))
for i in range(m):
Ymean[i] = np.sum(Y[i,:])/np.count_nonzero(R[i,:])
Ynorm[i,R[i,:]==1] = Y[i,R[i,:]==1] - Ymean[i]
return Ynorm, Ymean
def gradientDescent(initial_parameters,Y,R,num_users,num_movies,num_features,alpha,num_iters,Lambda):
Optimize X and Theta
# unfold the parameters
X = initial_parameters[:num_movies*num_features].reshape(num_movies,num_features)
Theta = initial_parameters[num_movies*num_features:].reshape(num_users,num_features)
J_history =[]
for i in range(num_iters):
params = np.append(X.flatten(),Theta.flatten())
cost, grad = cofiCostFunc(params, Y, R, num_users, num_movies, num_features, Lambda)[2:]
# unfold grad
X_grad = grad[:num_movies*num_features].reshape(num_movies,num_features)
Theta_grad = grad[num_movies*num_features:].reshape(num_users,num_features)
X = X - (alpha * X_grad)
Theta = Theta - (alpha * Theta_grad)
paramsFinal = np.append(X.flatten(),Theta.flatten())
return paramsFinal , J_history
Once again, I chose batch gradient descent as my optimizing algorithm. One thing going through all the programming assignment in python taught me is that you would rarely go wrong with gradient descent. At this point, the code for gradient descent should be fairly familiar to you.
Y = np.hstack((my_ratings,Y))
R =np.hstack((my_ratings!=0,R))
# Normalize Ratings
Ynorm, Ymean = normalizeRatings(Y, R)
num_users = Y.shape[1]
num_movies = Y.shape[0]
num_features = 10
# Set initial Parameters (Theta,X)
X = np.random.randn(num_movies, num_features)
Theta = np.random.randn(num_users, num_features)
initial_parameters = np.append(X.flatten(),Theta.flatten())
Lambda = 10
# Optimize parameters using Gradient Descent
paramsFinal, J_history = gradientDescent(initial_parameters,Y,R,num_users,num_movies,num_features,0.001,400,Lambda)
Plotting of cost function to ensure gradient descent is working
plt.title("Cost function using Gradient Descent")

To make predictions on movies that you had not rated
# unfold paramaters
X = paramsFinal[:num_movies*num_features].reshape(num_movies,num_features)
Theta = paramsFinal[num_movies*num_features:].reshape(num_users,num_features)
# Predict rating
p = X @ Theta.T
my_predictions = p[:,0][:,np.newaxis] + Ymean
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((my_predictions,np.array(movieList)[:,np.newaxis])))
print("Top recommendations for you:n")
for i in range(10):
print("Predicting rating",round(float(df[0][i]),1)," for index",df[1][i])

Finally, I had come to an end for Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning Course in Python. I hope this is as beneficial to you as it is for me writing it and I thank all of you for the supports.
The Jupyter notebook will be uploaded to my GitHub at (
For other Python implementation in the series,
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Regularized Logistic Regression
- Neural Networks
- Support Vector Machines
- Unsupervised Learning
Thank you for reading.