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Analyzing Customer Satisfaction of Apple AirPods Using Exploratory Data Analysis and…

In Part 1, I went through the statistics regarding the industry, Apple, and AirPods. In this article, I will focus on a more technical…

In Part 1, I went through the statistics regarding the industry, Apple, and AirPods. In this article, by using Python, I will focus on a more technical analysis of my survey data to help us understand how customers are satisfied with their AirPods.

Photo by Hasinteau on Unsplash
Photo by Hasinteau on Unsplash


The survey was conducted to identify the satisfaction level towards Apple AirPods among college students in Durham, NC. In my assessment, I also identified AirPods users’ demographics within the Durham area, the frequency of using the devices, activities they perform while using devices, and the features that these respondents consider important during their use of the device. By analyzing the respondents’ answers, we’d be able to provide insights on the correlations of the important features and the current satisfactory level. We aim to provide recommendations for the manufacturers to improve some of the features resulting from the analysis.

Survey implementation

  • Methodology: Email survey to a selected group (college students and young residents in Durham, NC). The survey link comprised of questionnaires was sent to the group by email.
  • Process:
  • Questions design
  • Sample selection and justification
  • Implementation
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Review and Control
  • Survey structure:
  • Part 1: Diagnostic questions
  • Part 2: Satisfaction questions
  • Part 3: Demographics

Survey data understanding

The survey output was converted into a dataset that can be used for further analysis. A template of this survey can be found here. The resulted dataset includes 89 observations (for each survey response) and 41 columns (for each survey question).

Results analysis


During the survey period, I was able to collect data from 89 respondents. The survey data implies that young people are the dominant age group using AirPods: 60% of people from 18–25 and 34% from 26 to 35. This is reasonable if we look further at the demographic analysis, which shows the dominance of full-time college students at 75%. Other findings worth mentioned are: males are slightly more involved in the survey than females; graduate students double undergraduate students in quantity; and 100% of the selected group has a business major.

AirPods users age groups and their demographic features - Image by Author
AirPods users age groups and their demographic features – Image by Author

Behaviors analysis

Although AirPods can work with non-Apple products, most AirPods users are iPhone owners – 95%. Even when Apple launched its newest third-generation, called AirPods Pro, more than a year ago, the survey data suggests the extensive coverage of the first generation among their loyal customers, 43% of respondents, followed by the second generation 38%. AirPods Pro, meanwhile, is used by only 19% of respondents. Another explanation is that over 75% of AirPods users purchased their products years ago when the first generation was introduced.

Generations and smartphone users' distribution - Image by Author
Generations and smartphone users’ distribution – Image by Author
How long users have been using AirPods - Image by Author
How long users have been using AirPods – Image by Author

Second, data shows that people start wearing this device in the morning, starting a working day or going to school, and come back using it again in the late afternoon when they spend time exercising.

The time of the day people are using AirPods - Image by Author
The time of the day people are using AirPods – Image by Author

Diving deeper at below specific activities aligned with the AirPods, we know that working/studying, exercising, and walking are among the top three respondents. This verifies our above assumption.

Associated popular activities when people use their AirPods - Image by Author
Associated popular activities when people use their AirPods – Image by Author

Last, as most people use AirPods 2–3 times per day, they usually spend 1–4 hours with this device.

Usage frequency among AirPods users - Image by Author
Usage frequency among AirPods users – Image by Author

Important features analysis

The top 3 features, Battery life, Secure fit in ears, and Sound quality, receive the most attention from survey participants. Meanwhile, people see the two new features introduced by AirPods Pro: Noise cancellation and Water resistance, as less critical.

Importance level among AirPods features - Image by Author
Importance level among AirPods features – Image by Author

Satisfaction analysis

In general, Apple AirPods products received a very high level of satisfaction from consumers. 97.7% of surveyed customers said they were completely satisfied, very satisfied, or satisfied with the products. Regarding the overall satisfaction for each AirPods version, the outcomes have no much difference.

Overall satisfaction over AirPods - Image by Author
Overall satisfaction over AirPods – Image by Author

Diving deep into customers’ satisfaction level for individual feature/function, we witness two patterns. First, people are highly satisfied with: Design, Charging speed, Bluetooth pairing, and Battery life. Second, people are not much satisfied with: Security Fit in Ears, Tapping function, Water resistance, and Noise cancellation. Data in the table show the mean satisfaction score for each feature input by customers (1–5 in the order of decreasing satisfaction).

Satisfaction level of each feature - Image by Author
Satisfaction level of each feature – Image by Author
Satisfaction level of each feature - Image by Author
Satisfaction level of each feature – Image by Author

Correlation analysis

To see which variables are likely to affect the customer’s overall satisfaction, I ran a correlation analysis of our independent variables against our dependent variable, overall satisfaction. This analysis ended up with a list of variables of interest that had the highest correlations with overall satisfaction.

Correlation matrix - Image by Author
Correlation matrix – Image by Author

In order of highest correlation in absolute value with overall satisfaction, these variables are:

Top 10 features highest correlated with overall satisfaction, sorted by absolute values - Image by Author
Top 10 features highest correlated with overall satisfaction, sorted by absolute values – Image by Author

For these independent variables, the next step to further analyze the associated relationships with our dependent variable was to create scatter plots. I picked four features for this visualization: Design, Sound quality, Secure fit in ears, and Battery life. A typical pattern can be observed. The higher satisfied customers are about each of these four, the higher overall satisfied they are about the AirPods overall.

Overall satisfaction with 4 variables: design, sound quality, secure fit, and battery life - Image by Author
Overall satisfaction with 4 variables: design, sound quality, secure fit, and battery life – Image by Author

To learn more about the relationships within independent variables and overall satisfaction, I built different three-dimensional plots. I took into account such demographic attributes as Age, Gender, and Employment status. I also considered the smartphone operating system people are using and how long they usually use their AirPods. When inspecting the two variables, Gender, and Satisfaction – Sound quality with overall satisfaction, we can see that male users are less satisfied with sound quality but still highly satisfied with the overall product. Meanwhile, female customers are more sensitive with sound quality in scoring the overall satisfaction. Another pattern resulting from an interaction analysis using Satisfaction – Design and Age in relationships with overall satisfaction suggests that older customers, 26–35, are less satisfied with Design and, therefore, the overall product.

Three-dimensional scatter plots of overall satisfaction with independent features - Image by Author
Three-dimensional scatter plots of overall satisfaction with independent features – Image by Author

Modeling and Importance of features

Based on the EDA and correlation analysis, I considered two potential models using machine learning techniques: Decision tree and Random forest. For the performance evaluation part, I then compared these two models by their accuracy.

Model 1: Decision tree

Decision tree is a popular model used in the Classification of discrete target variables using machine learning. A decision tree is a binary tree flowchart where each node splits a group of observations according to some feature variable. A decision tree aims to split your data into subgroups such that every element in each group belongs to the same category.

In this case, each node’s "value" row tells us how many-sorted observations into that node fall into each of our four categories: Completely satisfied, Very satisfied, Satisfied, and Somewhat satisfied. We can see that Satisfaction_Design and Importance_Sound_quality are two of the most important features that help identify and classify categories. The picture below shows the first four nods. A full decision tree can be found here.

Decision tree plot - Image by Author
Decision tree plot – Image by Author

We have performance metrics as below:

Decision tree performance - Image by Author
Decision tree performance – Image by Author

Model 2: Random forest

Random forests are an ensemble learning technique for classification, regression, and other tasks that operate by constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes (classification) or mean/average prediction (regression) of the individual trees.

The model then chooses the mode of all of the predictions of each decision tree. Relying on a "majority wins" model reduces the risk of error from an individual tree. Using Random forest in this case, we have performance metrics as below:

Random forest performance - Image by Author
Random forest performance – Image by Author

By comparing the two models, the random forest seems to yield a higher accuracy level.

Importance of features: Below, I graphed the feature importance based on the Random Forest model. The top 4 features are Satisfaction – Design, Satisfaction – Secure fit in-ears, Satisfaction – Battery life, and Satisfaction – Sound quality.

Top features of importance - Image by Author
Top features of importance – Image by Author

Additional analysis – Voice of customers

If you could change one thing about the product, what would it be? From the survey, customers want to improve Battery life, Sound quality, Bluetooth paring process, and Tapping function.

Popular ideas from AirPods users in terms of changing the product - Image by Author
Popular ideas from AirPods users in terms of changing the product – Image by Author


The respondents’ overall satisfaction level towards the AirPods is relatively high (97.7% of customers were completely satisfied, very satisfied, or satisfied with the products). This is the same as the previously published survey, reinforcing that AirPods can bring a high satisfaction level to the users, explaining the device’s dominant market share.

From the modeling analysis using Machine Learning techniques, we can see that the satisfactory level of Design will impact the overall satisfaction most. Apple can improve the overall satisfaction of the device by improving customers’ satisfaction with this design feature.

The most important feature of the device is Battery life (mean = 1.39). However, this feature’s satisfaction level is moderate (mean = 2.05), indicating an area for improvement. Satisfaction over battery life also impacts the overall satisfaction of the device. We recommend Apple to improve this feature for a higher satisfaction level. Some recommendations on improving battery include increasing battery life, showing battery life on AirPods case rather than having to paired to phone to see battery life, or having a portable charging case.

The other features: Secure fit in ears and Sound quality also tends to impact the customers’ overall satisfaction on AirPods, especially when they use the device most for Working/Studying and Doing exercise. In 2019, Apple listened to the customer’s voice by launching the new Apple AirPods Pro version with two new features: noise cancellation and improved fit in-ears. However, the survey suggests that people are still concerned about them. For that reason, Apple should invest more in improving these important functions to enhance the customers’ satisfaction level.

Although Tapping function is not considered a significant feature, it receives the respondents’ lowest satisfaction level. Respondents also provide insights on how to improve Tapping function, such as changing the volume with it, or more programs installed, or tapping on one ear can also work on the other ear. The company can invest more to improve this Tapping function since that would affect customer satisfaction over this feature, improving the overall satisfaction level.

However, this analysis has some limitations. The sample size of our survey is limited (89 respondents). Hence the sample may not be a good representative of the population. Besides, a small number of respondents use the latest version – AirPods Pro (19%), which may impact the overall conclusion regarding the recommendations for the future product.

You can also take a look at my brief visualization on Public Tableau.

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