A video walkthrough of Deep Cognition

Hi everyone! In this article I’ll share with you several videos that will walk you through Deep Cognition’s Platform and Deep Learning Studio. We will run simple models as examples and there’s a final surprise at the end.

Favio Vázquez
Towards Data Science


Deep learning is an amazing field that help us create great solutions and solve hard problems in the data science world. I’ve talk about Deep Learning in the past, and how it can help you in your workflow specifically with computer vision and NLP problems.

You can check some of them here:

And one of the things you should learn when entering in a new computational field are good tools. Tools allow us to solve our problems without spending hours coding simple or complex things from the beginning. There are several tools for deep learning right now, in the coding space and also in the visual space.

In the past I’ve talked about Deep Cognition, a great company that is on the path, as others, to democratize AI and deep learning.

Normally we do Deep Learning programming, and learning new APIs, some harder than others, some are really easy an expressive like Keras, but how about a visual API to create and deploy Deep Learning solutions with the click of a button? This is their promise.

Their platform, Deep Learning Studio is available as cloud solution (https://deepcognition.ai/cloud/) Desktop Solution (http://deepcognition.ai/desktop/ ) where software will run on your machine or Enterprise Solution ( Private Cloud or On Premise solution). The Desktop version allows you to use own computers with GPU and hardware. And they’re all free!

In the next sections I’ll walk you through the process of creating an account, entering and launching the cloud app, ingesting data, creating a project and then creating a model, use their AutoML solution and also deploying a model.

For a written guide please visit Rajat’s blog:

And mine for a simple intro and some information to deep learning:

So let’s begin!

Creating an account

Enter here:

to follow the video :).

Launching the cloud app

An overview of Deep Learning Studio

Creating a project

Ingesting data

Using pre-existing data

Creating a model using the visual API

Creating a model using AutoML

Getting the best Hyper-parameters for your model

Training your model

Deploying your model

So you can see that a Deep Learning model can be built in minutes and deployed in seconds with Deep Learning Studio. Such power will enable many developers to tackle complex problem without worrying about coding, API etc.

And now for the final surprise! If you got here I think you are interested. My friend Matthew Dancho has an amazing course for you course if you want to become a data scientist. Business-Science University will take you through the entire Data-Science-for-Business process of solving problems with data science, using machine learning to create interactive applications, and distributing solutions within an organization.

And yes I have a coupon code! Click bellow to use it!

There you have an amazing course with a great discount!

If you have doubts don’t hesitate contacting me :)



Data scientist, physicist and computer engineer. Love sharing ideas, thoughts and contributing to Open Source in Machine Learning and Deep Learning ;).