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A pipeline for fast experimentation on Kubernetes

Using native Python packages only

Manually creating a novel configuration file for every new experiment is a tedious process. Especially if you want to rapidly deploy a vast number of jobs on a Kubernetes cluster, an automated setup is a must. With python, it’s straightforward to build a simple scheduling script that reads an experiment’s configuration, such as the batch size, writes it into the YAML file, and creates a new job. In this post, we’ll discuss the how. The best is that we require no additional packages!

Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash
Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash

The pipeline consists of four files: Two bash scripts (one for creating and one for deleting Kubernetes jobs), one python script, and one .yaml-file template. Let’s cover them in more detail, beginning with the python script. You can find the complete code in this GitHub repository.

The python script

The python code is structured into two methods. The first method yields experiment configurations; they are populated with exemplary values. The second method does the actual scheduling, which includes parsing the .yaml-file and communicating with Kubernetes. Let’s start with the first, more straightforward function:

The _getexperiments method holds an internal dictionary object, which, in my example, contains 4 sample experiments. Each experiment is given a unique number, and each experiment is again a dictionary. This dictionary holds the experiment’s configuration and includes standard Machine Learning parameters such as the batch size, the number of epochs, and the model. Further, we denote which dataset we want our experiment to run on, e.g., the CIFAR10 dataset. The parameters listed here are chosen for illustrative purposes, and you are not restricted to them. For example, you could include further hyperparameters (e.g., the learning rate), store file paths (e.g., a dataset’s directory), or include environment variables. In short: adapt to your needs.

If we call the method without parameters, it is equal to calling it with the default setting of "experiment_number=-1". With this setting, all experiments’ configurations are returned. However, if you have worked with Kubernetes for a longer time, you will often have some jobs that will fail for whatever reasons. If that happens, it’s best to fix the code and restart that specific experiment. Thus, in addition to getting all experiments’ settings, I have included the functionality to pick specific experiments for re-running. This use case is supported when we call the method with a particular experiment’s number. An example would be 4, which would yield the configuration for the fourth experiment.

The .yaml template

The _getexperiments method is called in the script’s primary function, schedule. Before covering it in more detail, we need to look at our template file. The .yaml-file I included is oriented on files I commonly write when running machine learning experiments on a supercomputing cluster. However, it’s not a valid file in the sense that you can use it as-is.

Instead, it’s intended to show you your flexibility in filling out the template. Talking about filling the template, here is it:

Notice the distinctive places with two curly brackets: {}. Each of these places is given a number, beginning with zero. We fill these gaps in the Python script, which we’ll shortly return to. Most suitable to our machine learning use case, the "{}" can be placed anywhere in the template; they are not restricted to specific places.

To showcase the variety, I have placed the markers across the .yaml-file: we can use them to pass command line arguments, mount directories, fill environment variables, or select our pod’s image. Also, we can re-use a placeholder: In the template file, I have used the "{1}" placeholder twice; once to assign a job to a job group (group-model-{1}, line11), and once to pass the name of a model to the command line (lines 25 and 26).

The filling of the template file is done via the python script’s schedule method.

Inside the function, we first parse the template as-is. Then, we gather all experiments we want to run in line 10. The following three variables, lines 11 to 13, are here to inspire you: you could automate more than just the things I proposed. The interesting part begins in line 14, where we iterate over all experiments we want to create. As I wrote, the experiment configuration is stored in a dictionary object. That means we can query the dictionary when filling the template in lines 17 to 26.

To make it easier to understand which slot is filled, I have left a comment behind each line. For example, line 18 fills the place marked with "{0}", line 19 that marked with "{1}", and so on. To see what we have created after filling out the template, we print the completed version in line 27.

At this point, we have created (in the memory) a ready-to-use YAML file. The next step is the creation of the corresponding Kubernetes jobs, beginning in line 30. First, we check whether we only want to delete the old experiment (e.g., because it has failed for some reason, and we need to fix bugs first). If that is not the case, we delete the old job – there cannot be two jobs with the same name – before creating the job anew.

If no previous job exists, the script will not fail when trying to terminate it but will print an empty line and go on to creating the job.

The shell scripts

Both the creation and deletion of jobs are forwarded to two small bash scripts. The first one, shown below, uses the kubectl command to create a job based on what has been passed (the echo "$1" part). Note that I have set kubectl to use my namespace by default. If you did not do so, then either write kubectl -n your-namespace or register your namespace as the default one:

The script for the deletion of jobs is nearly identical; we only switch the "create" flag with "delete":

Back to the python script

After putting the various parts together, we require one driver to start the code. This task is done with the "main" statement, as shown in the snippet beneath:

When starting the experiments, as mentioned before, we can choose to (re-) create a specific experiment only. By default, we run all experiments; for running individual ones, we can pass their id to the command line.

Next, we create a flag telling the scheduler only to delete a run or to start the run anew. By default, this flag is set to false, meaning we first terminate the existing run for an experiment and then restart it. Only if we explicitly set the flag on the command line is it set to true, meaning that we only terminate the existing job but don’t create it anew. Also, we need not set it at all; the flag’s absence is equal to it being false. Lastly, we parse the arguments and run the scheduling.


In this post, we went over rapidly deploying experiments to a Kubernetes cluster. To achieve this, we used four files: a .yaml template file, two bash scripts, and one python file. Within the python file, we used two methods to collect an experiment’s configuration and then filled the template.

After completing the template, jobs are created and deleted with two one-line bash scripts. Within them, we used native Kubernetes commands. Ultimately, we can call the python script (passing optional command line args), and our experiments are automatically scheduled.

This automated process is beneficial when trying out parameter combinations: manually creating a .yaml file for each experiment is lengthy and error-prone. Thus, save yourself the hassle and build an automated pipeline, as detailed in this post. The entire code for getting you started is available in my repository.

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