From people’s drinking habit, could you tell where they are from?

With a set of data on country-level per capita alcohol consumption in a year from World Health Organization, I’m curious to know the alcoholic preference by region.
Luckily R library(countrycode) could easily convert country name to ISO3 code, region and continent. We can then visualize it using library(rworldmap).
We can view country level consumption using Bubble size refers to total consumption in liters.

We have these observations for regional drinks preference:
- Caribbeans and Asians tend to consume more spirits and little wine
- Other than that beer consumption is highest everywhere

If plot consumption by each country on a map, other than the obvious knowledge of Islamic country consumes very little alcohol, we could see :
- The entire Americas (North, Central and South) drinks a lot of beer
- Europeans appear to be more into wine than spirits

This is the day3 of my #100daysproject. The full code can be found on github here.