In this tutorial, I will give some rationales about why one should care about off-policy evaluation. Then I’ll introduce the right amount of theory on the matter. I will not dive too deep into the latest methods and stop on what works well empirically. It will be sufficient for the following part describing the practical aspects of its implementation.
Evaluating a recommender system
Let’s say you have an idea to increase the performance of your recommendation system. Let’s simply say you got access to new metadata about your items, like the main topic of the items, which should really help in predicting user engagement on the platform more accurately. So how do you leverage that new feature? After a rounded exploration phase of the new data, you perform the necessary modifications in your data pipeline to transform the feature and feed it to the model along with the other ones. You can now trigger the learning phase to produce the new version of the model.
Great! Now, how do you evaluate the performance of the new model? How can you conclude whether the new feature helps the recommendation and will drive more engagement on your platform?
Well, you could directly put the new version in production alongside the old one, redirect a portion of the traffic to the new model, and compare both performances using the metrics you defined as the most important for your business (Click-Through-Rate, Watch time, Dwelve time, Subscriptions, etc…). That is indeed called an AB test.

But what if the new version is terrible and incurs a huge drop in revenue or badly deteriorates the quality of your service? That could be very bad!
In general, as a Machine Learning practitioner, you’ll first want to validate that the new version is better than the old one in an offline manner, meaning without having to show anything to real users (I sense that this is pretty trivial for most of you – but bear with me, I am coming to it).
Avoiding a drop in revenue is very important but it is not the only concern. Performing an online AB test takes time, especially if you don’t have a lot of traffic. In such cases, it might take up to several weeks for you to be able to conclude with sufficient statistical confidence. Also, in such cases, you might need to rewrite your model into a different stack in order for it to scale and match the latency requirements. This could incur additional weeks of work (even months). Hence, having a robust offline evaluation strategy allows one to iterate faster on different ideas or hyper-parameters to tune. One can assess thousands of ideas offline and only select the best promising candidates for online AB testing.

But offline, we can’t directly measure the click-through rates or watch times because we don’t know in advance whether future users will click or for how long they will consume the recommended items. We operate in a counterfactual scenario. That is, we don’t observe the rewards of the actions we did not take but only the rewards of taken actions.
In an online setting, this major evaluation drawback is not an issue anymore. We collect feedback based on what the user really does on the platform. On the contrary, an offline evaluation will always be strongly biased towards measuring past behaviors and is limited in terms of evaluating what will really happen online.
So are we to accept this fact as granted or can we do something about it?
What is off-policy evaluation and why should you care?
Let’s first introduce some important pieces of vocabulary that one will encounter when reading about off-policy evaluation. When a user enters your platform, the following happens:

Off-policy evaluation is about evaluating a new policy with data collected from a different policy. We want to come up with an estimator V_hat that will estimate the performance of the new recommender π_e given the log data D_0 collected and used to train the old policy π_0:

The direct method
As I said before when evaluating our Recommender Systems, we operate in a counterfactual setting. We do not know what would have been the outcomes of the actions we did not take. So basically we have a missing labels problem.

In the picture above, for the first recommendation, we managed to recommend the clicked item seen in the logged data so we can say that we have a positive prediction and the other ones are negatives. But for the rest of the evaluation dataset, we recommended completely different items so we have no clue what would have been the outcome.
Given that we have logged interaction data D_0, a straightforward idea, that most ML practitioners can think of, is to use this data and produce a machine-learning model that will directly estimate the missing rewards (eg. replacing the question marks above with our best guesses). Then we can perform the evaluation as usual. More formally, we are interested in producing a reward model r_hat that will give us the expected value of the reward given a context and a specific action:

Many ML models can be used for this task. This is nice but in practice, it doesn’t work very well! Let’s see why…
It appears that the logged data and the data we want to predict do not come from the same distribution. There is a big covariate shift. We have logged data for some specific actions and we try to predict the reward for other ones (possibly completely different). Let’s say we are exploiting 2 features to try to minimize the regret of the reward model. We can then plot the reward space like so:

The green dots are positive observations (observations the user was interested in) and the red dots are negatives. What happens is that the reward space is mostly empty. There are vast regions for which we do not have any observations. But our new policy will probably have to decide in these unknown spaces. This means that it really matters how the reward model will extrapolate. It really matters where the decision boundaries will be located in the above plot. And this will not be reflected in the regret function the reward model will try to minimize. Hence, there is a very high chance that the extrapolation will be wrong. In the end, this method displays a low variance but can be very biased.
So using a model to predict the rewards does not seem like a working method. What else can we do? This is where the model-free approaches come in.
Inverse Propensity Score (IPS)
The goal of this estimator is to reweight the rewards in order to give more or less importance to actions according to the propensity of the old and new policies to take them. We’ll want to lower the importance of an action that was much more taken by the old policy than by the new one (and vice-versa).
Let’s visualize this concept. Below is the probability space of the old policy π_0 taking actions given the context:

The red and green dots are still the observed rewards. The dark area is where the concentration of the conditional action probability mass is located.
Now the new policy π_e will take actions in a different part of the space, like so:

The goal of the IPS estimator will be to reweight the rewards in regard to these action probabilities by applying the following formula:

The ratio between the two action probabilities is called the importance weight. This gives the following result:

It can be proved that this method is unbiased meaning that the more data we collect the more the IPS estimator will converge to the true value of the online reward.
If you still have a hard time wrapping your head around this concept, let’s simplify it even more. Let’s say that we only have 2 recommendable items. We have collected the below amount of user interactions on these items (as seen in the evaluation dataset):

Surely, if your new policy π_e always predicts item 1, the overall precision of your recommender will be higher than a policy that always predicts item 2. Or should it? Now let’s add to this data, the associated amounts of displays:

Now seeing things like you surely understand the added value of the off-policy evaluation. Taking into account the displays, we see that the old policy π_0, which produced the above logs, highly favored item 1. And this was probably not the best possible recommendation. Favoring item 2 seems like a better option, but in order to realize that we’ll need to take the displays into account during the evaluation (eg. the propensity of policies to recommend items).
But this method can exhibit a strong variance in the sense that some reward estimations might be completely off. And this is because we are computing the ratio of two action probabilities which might sometimes take tiny values. For example, if the action probability of the old policy for a given observation is super small then the importance weight might become huge giving way too much importance to this specific observation.
Clipped Inverse Propensity Score (CIPS)
This estimator is a variation of the vanilla IPS that tries to address the challenge we just mentioned. It does so by clipping the importance weight so that it can not get higher than a maximal value:

The problem is that this modification breaks the unbiasedness of the IPS estimator but most importantly it introduces a hyper-parameter that can be very impractical to tune.
Self-Normalized Inverse Propensity Score (SNIPS)

This time we reweight the vanilla IPS by the inverse of the empirical mean of the importance weights. It simply rescales the results of the vanilla IPS. As I said, the problem with IPS is that sometimes we might get huge importance weights because of a tiny old policy action probability. The SNIPS estimator takes care of this problem by "canceling" this huge importance weight because it will be included in the denominator as well.
In the end, the estimator works very well empirically and has no hyper-parameter to tune which makes it very appealing for most ML practitioners.
How to implement a reweighting off-policy evaluation method?
When going through the literature on the subject we can see that the vast majority of the efforts deployed by machine learning researchers focus on finding the best method to get an unbiased and low variance off-policy estimator of the online reward. But almost no one talks about the practicalities of implementing such strategies. What is worse, most researchers play along with simulated data to demonstrate the robustness of their approach. This is great from a theoretical standpoint but when it comes to implementing the method in real life, one shall struggle.
We have seen that the Self-Normalized Inverse Propensity Score (SNIPS) estimator works well empirically, has no hyperparameter to tune, has a low variance, and is consistent (although biased).
So are we ready to implement this estimator? Well, no just quite yet.
The large part of whether the off-policy evaluation will work or not is mostly due to our ability to compute the action probabilities π(a_i|x_i) as accurately as possible. This is, in fact, the most important part!
In order to do so, we are first going to take the necessary time to properly define the said probabilities. Let’s first think about the definition of the probability π to "select" an action a_i given a context x_i.
One has to remember that our goal is to reweight the rewards in order to give less importance to actions collected by the old logging policy π_0 when the new policy π_e is very much less likely to take them (and vice versa).
So what is an action a_i? Here, it is important to make the distinction between the probability of the policy to output an item to recommend and the probability of the item being displayed to the user. These probabilities are vastly different. Indeed, an algorithm can output 1000 items but only a handful will be displayed to the user because of UI constraints (we can’t display 1000 items on a mobile device). And as I just said before, we are interested in the probabilities that the taken actions will end up in the logging data. So what we are interested in are the display probabilities and not the recommender output probabilities. And this fact is very important because it changes the source of the data one has to consider if one wants to estimate the action probabilities (eg. infer the display and not the output).
Now, what is the context x_i? Well, in reality, it can be anything. You, as the modeler, are the one in charge of defining it. In theory, the more relevant and precise the context, that is, the more relevant information we have, the better we should able to estimate the display probabilities accurately. But in practice, it also makes the task more difficult. The bigger the feature space, the more data you need to produce robust estimates. And having robust estimates is critically important. If your display probabilities are completely wrong you’ll end up giving way too much or way too less importance to specific rewards which completely defeats the purpose of the off-policy evaluation. As I will explain briefly, a good practice is to simplify the context and only use the most important features.
Display probability estimation
First, a method that fails
When I was first introduced to off-policy evaluation, I was to understand the implementation performed by one of my predecessors. It was a fancy method where the display probabilities were directly estimated by a deep-learning model. Just to clarify, we were not using the direct method here. The model was not used to directly estimate the unknown rewards. It was used to estimate the display probabilities π(a|x) of the old and new policies. Equipped with the said probabilities we could then compute the importance weights and apply one of the estimators like IPS, CIPS, or SNIPS.
Without getting into too many details, we can simply explain it with a picture. What was done here was to go from a model that looked (from a very broad angle) like this:

To something like this:

In theory, this was very neat because we would get probabilities given a very precise set of inputs. We could estimate the display probabilities on a very granular level. This was an implementation of an idea found in this paper from the Google YouTube team.
But in practice it failed for the following reasons:
- We now had 2 targets instead of one (the next video selected by the user and the sequence of videos displayed as recommendations). This introduced additional questions that were not properly managed like: What if we only have the next video in the sequence but no associated displays (only 1 of the targets)? Indeed, in the training data, we were using sequences of videos coming from other sources (external) than the platform where we were not displaying any recommendations.
- Having 2 targets means having two different loss functions. How do you combine them? If one of the losses leaves in a completely different range of values (which is what was happening) then it might simply be insignificant when you combine them (which would make one of the branches not learn anything).
- The overall codebase gets much more complex.
- In theory, introducing auxiliary tasks can be beneficial for the main task but it requires them to be well aligned. In this case, the added complexity made the new display probability task deteriorate the performance of the main task.
- The outputted probabilities were not real probabilities. Indeed the model was either way too confident or not confident at all. This is a pretty common scenario with deep learning models that are known to be overconfident given their tendency to overfit.
This is what a kernel density plot of the display probabilities would look like (simulated with fake data):

Here it is important to note that it is not just because you use a sigmoïd or a softmax as the last activation of your neural network that you will get back proper probabilities. The output of the network will effectively live in the space [0,1] but the probabilities will, most likely, not be well calibrated. When a well-calibrated model outputs 0.6 for a given observation, we shall find the associated target 60 percent of the time in the long run. Here is a Wikipedia article on the matter. Using well-calibrated probabilities is extra important in the context of off-policy importance weights computation because we are using the ratio of two display probabilities. When a model outputs 0.4 probability it should mean that the target is to be found twice as much as when a model outputs 0.2 probability. The ratio of 0.2 and 0.4 should hold the same importance as the ratio between 0.4 and 0.8.
A simpler and more accurate method?
Given my first experience and considering that it was not a success, my question then was: do we really need to use a machine-learning model to estimate the display probabilities? Why not just simply use the available data and estimate it directly?
If you want to perform off-policy evaluation you need to log the displayed items. So you should have that information in your database (whatever it is). If your logging system is sufficiently well thought out, you also have the context in the logs.
When performing the direct estimation of the display probabilities using the logged data we need to simplify things. The simpler the context, the more you’ll be able to produce robust estimates. For example, if you are creating a recommender that is trying to recommend a set of items to consume after a specific item, then the most important feature is the input item. Your goal will then be to estimate the probability that an item (let’s call it i1) is being displayed (action a_i) when a specific item (let’s call it i2) is being consumed (context x_i).
In order to estimate this probability you then have 2 choices. Either you go for:
- the frequentist estimate which is the number of times i1 was displayed when i2 was consumed divided by the total number of times i2 was consumed.
- the bayesian estimate: frequentist estimates can be unreliable when the number of trials (displays in this case) is too low. Stating that the display probability is 1.0 when we have 2 displays out of 2 trials does not seem like a robust estimate. We’ll explain how this works in a dedicated section at the end.
Because we are computing these estimates using the logged data that was produced by the old policy π_0 we are effectively computing the display probabilities of the old policy. In other words, we are answering the question: how likely it is that the old policy chooses to display this specific item in this specific context?
Now, how do we estimate the display probability of the new policy π_e given that the said policy has never been put in production and we never collected display logs with it?
Well, we do have the training data that was used to produce the policy π_e so we have the context (the input item per observation in this case) and we can record the predictions of π_e on the training data. So we have the input and the output of the policy. The only thing that we are missing is whether the output of the policy will be displayed to the user and up to what rank. So here is the trick. We know that items on the top of the output of the recommender will have more chances to be displayed to the user. We can even determine the overall probability that an item will be displayed at specific ranks. It could for example look something like this:

So the trick is to state that an item (outputted by the policy) being displayed to the user is a Bernoulli trial of probability p. Then we can sample the displayed outcome according to p.
In the end, will have everything we need to compute the display probabilities of the new policy π_e exactly in the same way we did for π_0 (in a frequentist or bayesian fashion).
Equipped with the display probabilities we can then compute the importance weights and perform an off-policy evaluation with the SNIPS estimator.
I employed this method and it worked very effectively. Indeed, without off-policy evaluation, the evaluation pipeline was giving a 10% decrease in the main metrics but with off-policy evaluation, it transformed into a 2% increase. It was then decided to perform an AB test which was indeed positive.
Side note on bayesian estimation of display probabilities
As explained above, the display probabilities can be estimated with a Bayesian approach to get more robust results.
In the frequentist paradigm, the parameter we want to estimate has a truly unique value that we will get closer to by running more and more trials. It is a fixed quantity, and there is no probability associated with it. On the contrary, in the bayesian perspective, the parameter of interest has no true unique value but is rather described with a probability distribution.
What is the problem with the frequentist approach in our case?
Our parameter of interest is the display probability conditioned on the input item. So we are computing the ratio of 2 count variables. The issue comes from the fact that in some cases, the dividend of the ratio is too low. When the number of displays is really low, the uncertainty in our estimate is very high. The variance of the error of the estimator is really high.
How can we remedy this?
Count variables follow a binomial distribution. The number of displays follows a binomial of parameter p (the probability of a display). There is a p probability to obtain a display and a 1-p probability to obtain a no-display event. The ratio between the two counts follows a beta distribution with parameter alpha = (number of successes + 1) and beta = (number of failures + 1).
What are we going to compute?
In the bayesian paradigm, we define a prior belief P(Θ) about the parameter distribution. We also define a likelihood function P(X|Θ) that tells us how likely it is to observe the data given our belief of the parameter distribution. Everything then stands on the shoulder of the Bayes formula:

The posterior distribution P(Θ|X) is equal to the likelihood function P(X|Θ) multiplied by the prior P(Θ) and divided by the evidence P(X), the probability of observing the data. Now computing the probability of observing the data is generally intractable. If we really need to obtain the exact probability estimates along with credible intervals, etc…, we need to rely on advanced methods of Bayesian inference like Markov Chain Monte Carlo – MCMC (and we get into a totally different ball game).
Now the good thing in our case, is that the prior follows a well-known distribution and so does the likelihood. The likelihood models the probability of observing a success (a click) for a given trial (a display) so it also follows a binomial law. The parameter of interest is the ratio of two count variables that both follow a binomial so the prior follows a beta distribution. And the good thing about the binomial and the beta distributions is that they are conjugate priors. This means that we have a proven theoretical result that directly gives us the form of the posterior without computing the evidence. In this case, the posterior also follows a beta distribution with parameters alpha_posterior = (alpha_prior + nb_success) and beta_posterior = (beta_prior + nb_failures).
Now that we know that the posterior follows a beta distribution, applying the formula of the expected value of the beta distribution we can directly compute the display probability which is simply the ratio between alpha_posterior and beta_posterior. See Wikipedia for more information.
Also, an additional benefit of opting for a Bayesian approach in computing the display probability is that we know the exact distribution of the posterior. Instead of only using the expected value to perform the ranking, we could also have performed a stochastic ranking procedure by sampling into the posterior to obtain the ranking scores. This would favor exploration at the expense of exploitation but it would probably result in more diversified recommendations.
In conclusion, off-policy evaluation is a very effective method to reduce the offline-online gap and avoid the disappointment of getting inclusive results with online tests when your offline results were positive (or the contrary).
When you start off with your recommendation endeavors it might not be the absolute most important priority to set up an off-policy evaluation strategy but once you start to have a model in production and you start iterating towards better models it might be a good time to seriously think about it.
Also, one important lesson that one could draw from my experience is that one should always start with simple methods and iterate from there.