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A/B Testing 101 with Examples – A Summary of Udacity’s Course

Long before I took any statistical class, I've heard that A/B testing is almost a must for data analyst interviews. So I Googled it and…

15 mins to walk you through the 23-hour course

Long before I took any statistical class, I’ve heard that A/B testing is almost a must for data analysts. So I Googled it and thought: Hmm…isn’t it just like the control and experiment studies we conducted in high school biology class? Simple as it may sound, it actually has a rigorous statistical process and involves various business concerns.

The contents covered in this Udacity course [1] include:

Before we go any further:

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of a single variable , typically by testing a subject’s response to variant A against variant B , and determining which of the two variants is more effective [2].

For a better understanding, I will use this example throughout this article to give a more concrete explanation:

Suppose an online learning platform wants you to test whether they should change the web page’s button size to increase the number of users.

"AB Testing Example" by Maxime Lorant licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"AB Testing Example" by Maxime Lorant licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

By matching the example with the definition above, we have:

Single variable: "Join Now " button size on a webpage Variant A: 4 x 3 button size Variant B: 16 x 9 button size Subject’s response: click-through probability changes Goal: find out which option has a higher click-through probability

Jack of all trades?

Sounds like if we change the variables and responses to any other attributes, A/B testing can still apply, huh? Indeed, A/B testing has many Use Cases, including:

UI changes, recommendations, ranking changes, implicit changes such as loading time, etc.

However, there are also cases it is Not So Useful:

  • _Missing itemsF_or our online course website example: if there are any courses we didn’t offer, but the users are looking for, A/B testing cannot tell.
  • _New experiencesI_ntroducing new experiences such as VIP services can be troublesome because:

a) The baseline of comparison is not clear

b) The time needed for users to adapt to new experiments can be quite costly, as there might be some psychological influences on users:

Change Aversion: when faced with a new interface or changed functionality, users often experience anxiety and confusion, resulting in a short-term negative effect.

Novelty Effect: when new techs came out, users will often have increased interests so that the performance will improve initially, but it’s not because of any actual improvement.

Now that we know when to use it, so:

What are the Steps of A/B Testing?

There are 5 main steps for A/B Testing:

1. Make a hypothesis about the changeThe first step is exactly what we did in the example above. i.e., We assume that changing the size of the ‘Join Now’ button from 4×3 to 16×9 will affect the number of students enrolled in our online course.

2. Choose the metricsE.g. We want more students to move from the course menu page to a specific course page, so we choose the ‘click-through probability’ as our metric.

3. Design the experiment setups (including the unit of diversion, population, size, and duration), and carry out the test.

4. Analyse the results Calculate the margin based on the confidence interval, and decide whether it satisfies the practical significance requirements.

5. Make a decision. **** Communicate the results and risks with stakeholders.

If you feel confused about some of the concepts above, don’t worry. Let’s dive into the details!

Step 2. Choose the Right Metrics

After we set up our goals in step 1, we need to choose the correct metrics to convert the goals to concrete measurements such as click-through probability. It can be single or multiple metrics depending on the business needs. If you chose multiple metrics, one way is to combine them with weights to form an overall evaluation criterion (OEC). The steps mentioned in this course are:

1. Invariant (Sanity) CheckBefore choosing the measurement metrics that will be affected by the variants, we need to make sure invariants are controlled. For example, do you have the same number of users across the two groups (population sizing)? Do they have comparable distributions across countries, languages? Ideally, we should also assign the two groups the same number of trials.

2. Determine High-level Business MetricsThis usually involves discussing with domain experts to determine the best practice, such as revenues, market shares, etc. In our online learning case, click-through probability makes more business sense.

3. Expand to More Detailed MetricsFirst of all, we could list the basic customer funnel and expand it with more details to better understand the data we need to collect for the metrics. In this case, we need to capture the number of unique users that moves from "exploring the site" to "create an account."

Customer Funnel of the Online Course Example
Customer Funnel of the Online Course Example

Then we determine how to summarise the metrics. In general, there are 4 ways to summarise the metrics:

  • Sums and counts, e.g., Total visits to the home page
  • Distributional metrics, e.g., Average visits to the home page per day. Aggregations such as mean, median, 25th, 75th percentile, etc.

  • Probabilities and rates, e.g. Click-through rates or probabilities Rates: usually used to determine whether this change is easy to find Probabilities: determine whether users like this change

  • Ratios eg. Pr(revenue-generating click)/ Pr(total clicks) Any two numbers divided by each other

To choose between these 4 methods, we usually look at:

  • _Distribution of the metricsP_lot a histogram of past data: if it is normal shaped distribution: choose mean or median if it is one-sided distribution: choose 25th, 75th… percentile

  • Sensitivity and robustness Sensitivity: the metrics respond well to relevant changes (e.g., button size) Robustness: when irrelevant changes (e.g., site loading time) happen, the metrics do not change a lot We usually use A/A Experiments to test them out. For example, when we use the same setup of a button to test users with different loading times, the click-through probability shouldn’t vary too much (robustness). However, if we use different button sizes, the click-through probability should change accordingly (sensitivity). When new experiments are too costly, we could also do a Retrospective Analysis by looking at past data to test out similar scenarios.

Step 3. Design the Experiment Setups

So far we know what to test on, but before we carry out the test, there are still 4 attributes need to be designed: Unit of Diversion, Population, Size, and Time.

1. Unit of Diversion (Proxies of Users)

Remember in our online course example, we want to collect the number of unique users that moves from "exploring the site" to "create an account"? So what can be considered a "unique user", or the unit to run the test? This is the question that the unit of diversion answers. The commonly used units include:

User ID, Cookies, Events such as page view, Device ID, IP address

To determine the best unit, we need to look at:

  • User experience consistencySince we don’t want the same person to see different experiment groups at different times, we need to choose the unit that can reduce this effect and get more accurate data at the same time. For example, if we choose cookies as the unit of diversion when users switch to another browser, they may be assigned to a different group.
  • Variability We also need to look at the distributions of our metrics to make sure they don’t vary too much so that the practical significance level is realistic for the metrics we choose. For some complicated metrics, the empirical variability can be very different from the analytical one. It usually happens when we observe weird distributions of our metrics or when the unit of analysis (i.e., the denominator of your analysis metrics) is different from the unit of diversion (e.g., using the user id as a unit of diversion but the page view as the unit of analysis). In such cases, we need to use the empirical variability deducted from the A/A experiment.

  • Ethical issuesSecurity and confidentiality issues; Whether informed consent is feasible.

2. Population (Target Users)

Sometimes we want to target the changes to specific user groups. This is called a cohort. For example, if we change the English text prompt of a button, we may only want to test the results on English speaking users.

Note that limiting the population to a cohort may need a longer time to collect sufficient data. So unless we want to increase user stability or reduce the learning effect, using a cohort is unnecessary.

3. Size

The questions we need to answer regarding the size include: How many tests do we need to get statistically significant results? How do we reduce the number of tests to save time? These are the 4 parameters that will affect the sample size:

Parameters that Affects the Sample Size
Parameters that Affects the Sample Size

And the specific numbers can be calculated using this calculator.

4. Time

The last parameter to consider is time, which includes:

  • When to run the testMany businesses have seasonal effects. If our tests happen to be on holidays or back to school days, the results may not be accurate. So if possible, it’s better to test the results in a comparable time.
  • DurationAs there will be novelty effect and change aversion to a new version of a product, we need to give the users some time to get used to the changes to stabilize the result.
  • The fraction of trafficWe may have the intuition that if the experiment runs on all the target users, the time needed to collect a sufficient amount of data would be much less. But why the common practice is to run the experiment on a small portion of the traffic instead? This is because we are unsure if there are risks in the test version or whether it will harm the user experience. For example, if we are testing a new version of a database, we don’t want it to fail pervasively. By doing so, we could also reduce the effect of variabilities, such as holidays or weekends. Not to mention that the learning effect takes time for users to react normally.

Step 4. Analyse the Results

Suppose that we have already run the experiment and collected a sufficient amount of data. Shall we move on to analysing the results directly? Not quite, we still need to do another sanity check to ensure the experiment is conducted properly.

1. Sanity Check

We have already know the invariants when choosing our metrics. Now we need to check that they actually didn’t change in the experiment. Let’s look at an example:

Say we’ve collected 65554 samples in the "4 X 3" button size group and 61818 in the "16 X 9" group. We want to know whether the number of samples collected in these two groups are roughly the same with 95% confidence.

We could use the formula below for sanity check:

1) Compute the standard error of binomial with probability 0.5 of success 2) Lookup Z score of 95% and calculate the margin of error 3) Compute the confidence interval around 0.5 4) Check whether the observed probability is within the confidence interval

The observed probability is not within the 95% confidence interval in the example above, so something about the setup isn’t correct.

So what to do if our sanity check went wrong?

Do not proceed, go straight to analysing why it fails.

First, we could look at the data in a smaller group, eg. day by day to find out which part went wrong. If it was technical reasons, we should debug with the engineers.

To prevent the sanity check from failing, we could also add a pre/post period A/A experiment. The pre-period test is what we mentioned in "choosing the metrics", while the post-period test is usually used to measure whether learning effect happened in our experiment.

If sanity check only failed in the pre-period, check the experiment set up, infrastructures or things along those lines. If it only failed in the experiment itself, then it’s the data capture issue.

2. Calculate the statistical significance

After the sanity check, we finally reach the most exciting part! We can now put together all the hard works and make a decision! In this step, we need to determine if the change is statistically significant, together with the magnitude and direction of the change. For single and multiple metrics, we usually use different strategies.

Single Metric

Hypothesis test and sign test are commonly used to calculate the statistical significance for a single metric. Let’s see the examples:

Hypothesis test: Suppose we have the following data and parameters that already passed the sanity check:

Unlike what we’ve done in the sanity check, we use the pooled probability (overall probability) as the centre of the confidence interval for a better estimation than 0.5 this time. The standard error should also be pooled:

Following the same steps in the sanity check, we could get the result:

Since the lower boundary of the confidence interval is higher than the minimum practical significance level, it is safe to recommend a launch of the experiment version.

If the practical significance level (dₘᵢₙ) falls on a different part of the confidence interval, we could reference this graph:

Confidence Interval VS Practical Significance Level
Confidence Interval VS Practical Significance Level

Sign Test: Suppose when we segment the data into different days, 9 out of 14 days the control group has a higher click-through probability.

If there’s no difference between the two groups, the hypothetical probability of "success" should be 0.5. We could then use this calculator to get the two-sided P-value. We could see that the two-tail P-value is 0.424, which is much larger than 0.05 for a 95% confidence interval. So the sign test suggests there’s no statistically significant difference.

If the tests do not agree with each other…

We should break the data down into subgroups to see which part has more effect. You may also encounter the Simpson’s paradox in such cases. A very famous example is the UC Berkeley gender bias [3].

Simpson’s Paradox is a statistical phenomenon that a trend appears in the combined data, but disappears or reverses when the data are partitioned into several different groups [4].

"Simpsons Paradox Animation" by Pace~svwiki licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"Simpsons Paradox Animation" by Pace~svwiki licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Multiple Metrics

One key difference between single and multiple metrics is that:

The more metrics you test, the more likely you see statistically significant results by chance – Multiple Comparison Controversy

This is because the probability of false-positives at least occur once would be higher.

Assume we have 3 metrics all with a false-positive probability of 5%, the chance of having at least 1 statistically significant results is 1–0.95³=0.143. When we have 20 metrics, the probability becomes 1–0.95²⁰=0.642.

Luckily, it is not repeatable. If we do the test again or segment it into small groups, it should disappear.

We could also use these techniques to resolve the multiple comparison issue:

How to resolve multiple comparison controversy?

The general solution is to use a higher confidence interval. This can be achieved by:

a) Assuming independence, and set only the overall alpha Then we use:αᵒᵛᵉʳᵃˡˡ = 1-(1 – αᶦⁿᵈᶦᵛᶦᵈᵘᵃˡ) ⁿ to calculate individual α.

b) Bonferroni Correction This method has no assumptions. It calculates the individual α by αᶦⁿᵈᶦᵛᶦᵈᵘᵃˡ = αᵒᵛᵉʳᵃˡˡ/number of metrics. Note that this is a relatively conservative method, you may miss some valuable observations.

c) Familywise Error Rate The FER only controls the probability that any metric shows a false positive.

d) Control False Discovery Rate In this case, we allow a high probability of false positive, as long as there isn’t too many. Note that FDR should be used when the number of metrics is very large, usually hundreds.

Step 5. It’s All about Decisions

Up until now, we’ve already calculated the statistical significance and confidence interval with all the cautions. Are we good to bring up the recommendations?

Things to consider when making decisions

  • Is it statistically and practically significant?
  • Do you understand the change?
  • For multiple metrics, do they move in the same direction?
  • What has the change done to the user experience?
  • Is it worth it?

Problems may occur when launching

Always do a ramp-up when lauching a change, that’s what we do for all the launches at Google.

Real word data is nasty, so do the test. Even if the test is statistically significant initially, the effect can be flattened when you ramp up the change (i.e. gradually increase the percentage of users to the new version). This is mainly because:

  • Event or seasonal driven impactWe could holdback (When the changes are not applied to a small number of users, we should see the reverse effect in this group), cohort analysis, or pre/post period A/A experiment to test the issue.
  • The results may not be repeatableSometimes our changes will only be effective to 30% of users or have a positive effect on 30% users but negatively affect 70% users. We could do a ramp-up launch to test out this issue.
  • Business effectsWe may also find companies call off the launching when the engineering, or opportunity cost is relatively high, or when there’s customer support or sales issue.

A Final Note: Ethical Issues


The risks the participants are exposed to should not exceed the minimal risk, i.e., the probability and magnitude of harm a participant would encounter in normal daily life. If the risk exceeds minimal risk, informed consent is required.


What benefits might the outcome of the study be?


What other choice does the participant have? For example, when testing out new drugs for cancer, the other choice most participants have is death, so that the risk for participants is quite high.

Privacy (Data Sensitivity)

What expectations of privacy and confidentiality do participants have? Note that the timestamps are considered personally identifiable since they could contain enough information to link the data to a person. This means that any sensitive data, such as health conditions with timestamps, should be considered sensitive.

Thanks for Reading!

Wow, we are finally there! Thanks for reading the notes and explanations! I’d be glad if this summary answered any of your questions in A/B testing. If you are interested in more details, just go directly to the course here.


[1] C. Grimes, C.Buckey and D.Tang, A/B Testing, Udacity

[2] J.Hanington, The ABCs of A/B Testing (2012), Pardot

[3] M.Elisa, Gender Bias in Admission Statistics? The Simpson-Paradox (2019), Towards Data Science

[4] G. Malinas, J. Bigelow, Simpson’s Paradox (2016), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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