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8 Reasons Why I didn’t Give Up on My Dream to be a Data Scientist & Why Neither Should You

A list you can go back to when times get hard

The First Years Chronicles of a Data Scientist in Tech

I’ve been working as a Data Scientist at Spotify for 2 years now, and I can say that changing Careers from business to data science sits very high on the list of best decisions I’ve ever made.

Data science can be an amazingly rewarding career choice. Getting there is another story.

It takes a lot of work and determination to become a true Data Scientist. To make sure you get there, you will first need to get your why in check before tackling the how.

But first, let me tell you a quick story

If you’ve read my previous post about how I made this career switch, you know that it was far from being an easy one.

The journey became a roller coaster early on, which made me realize I really needed to get my why in check.

Just because I made this career choice didn’t mean I was always brimming with motivation and resolve.

When you have a 60k$ student loan holding you by the throat, failure takes a whole new dimension. It becomes friends with your most deep-seated fears. Failure is not an option. Making it is the only option.

Then one day…

On March 2020, I got up feeling at my lowest because I was about to fail a 6000$ course at NYU, and I had no idea how I was going to get myself out of this hole. Anxiety started beating me up full-on with a lash.

I could either get up and stand up for myself, or give up. I chose the first option.

Then I made a list. This exact one to be specific ⬇

I don’t want to spoil you too much either 😌 . If you want to know what’s inside the list, then you have no other choice than to keep on reading (muahaha 😈 )

For the first time, this was a list I actually looked at later!

(As opposed to those that we bury in a corner of our phones)

I listed all the reasons why this leap of faith was worth all this struggle. And I would peek at it every time I felt my motivation fading away or the self-doubt creeping in.

This list gave me the boost that I needed each time to keep myself from not giving up on my dream. I still cried lol, but at least I was doing that while completing my assignments.

In this post, I’m sharing with you the top 8 reasons why I believe Data Science to be one of the most exciting career pathways one can pursue. The list of why I thought it was worth all the hassle.

Keep in mind that this list is based on my personal interests and aspirations. Some of these elements might not speak to everyone. But since they helped me so much, I still thought they were worth sharing.

1. Being a Data Scientist is like being a modern-day Sherlock Holmes

I’ve talked about this already in my previous article, but for those who didn’t read it, this reason sits closest to my heart.

Detectives play with knowledge to solve puzzles every day. They investigate restlessly chasing the truth by solving the most complex of mysteries.

That is exactly what Data Scientists do.

It might feel like I’m romanticizing this, but it’s truly how I felt and still feel about it. We play with data every day to unravel the opportunities it hides. This requires developing a keen sense of problem-solving 🔎 and resilience in chasing the truth up to its door.

Every new project you kickstart could be different. It’s like being faced with a new case to solve all the time. Being a data expert means you can find interesting and novel ways to provide answers that only you can unearth.

True, I’m not running after criminals every day to solve cases. Instead, I’m chasing numbers into forcing them to yield and deliver their truth. Good enough for me.

2. Data science is one of the most versatile careers

All the friends I made during my data science degree had come from completely different backgrounds. Ranging from astrophysics to political science (and more). They’re all Data Scientists now working in completely different industries. Some are developing models in the fight against cancer, others are helping game-makers deliver the best experience.

One of the reasons it’s a highly sought-after career pathway is that it allows you to reconcile your professional ambitions with your personal interests. Data science gives you the opportunity to work in the field of your choice. And change industries whenever you’re no longer satisfied with your current one.

I am a great example of that myself.

When I was studying for my degree, there was no other company I could picture myself working for other than Spotify. Music touched me so much that I picked up the violin late in life and discovered a newfound passion within myself.

Now, I’m able to reconcile this lifelong interest of mine with my professional life at Spotify.

So whether you find joy in stargazing or saving lives, data science opens doors for you to work with your lifelong passions.

3. Data science is one of today’s most relevant sciences

It was relevant 10 years ago, and it’s even more so today. Data is everywhere and the importance it holds grows exponentially by the day.

According to Statista, the volume of data generated + consumed worldwide went from 2 zettabytes in 2010, to 120 in 2023 (1 zettabyte = 1 billion terabytes) [1, 2]. So "relevant" is rather an understatement. Data is exploding.

Who do you think is changing the Tech world with AI innovations? Data Scientists of course.

So if today the word can mean different things, the type of Data Scientist you want to be is really up to you. If you want to ride the AI wave, you can. If you prefer to investigate data and unravel mysteries, you also can.

No matter what wave you ride, you will still remain relevant in the job market.

4. Data science can change people’s lives

If you seek meaning in your life by making a difference and having a positive impact, then data science could be the right path for you.

When you’re a Data Scientist, you have the luxury of choosing to be part of something greater. Because the list of industries to choose from is so wide, you get the opportunity to even have a say in it.

I once got an offer to work as a Data Scientist in the Nuclear Department of the United Nations. How cool is that?

When you’re a Data Scientist, the sky is the limit (and I’m not just saying that to sound corny). Having the opportunity to be a part of something greater and enact impact has no price. At least for me.

5. Data Scientists are some of the most demanded people

Because data is so ubiquitous, Data Scientists will always be needed.

Nearly every company today collects data. Whether they’re a startup or a mature firm, they will definitely need someone to extract value from all that gibberish at some point.

Why? Because if they want to stay in the game, they will need to start digging for value where it hides the deepest. That’s where Data Scientists come in They help unearth that competitive edge that companies need to remain at the forefront of the fight.

When you’re a Data Scientist, your organization relies on you to help them grow by detecting opportunities and innovating on technologies. They’ll entrust you with important responsibility, which means that your contribution will be highly valued, and so will your job too.

6. Data science is highly prestigious

Anyone who claims that it can take 12 or even 6 months to become a Data Scientist is clearly leaving out important data. The skill set you need to transition to a data science career takes time to develop, and cannot be learned overnight.

Today, we see so many people claiming to be Data Scientists, so it can make the barrier to entry seem low. But trust me, it took years for true Data Scientists to become ones themselves. Those who succeed are not necessarily the smartest or most talented, but they are most likely the most driven and resilient ones.

The path to becoming a Data Scientist is challenging yet very rewarding too. So if you’re ready to embark on this adventure, welcome aboard, and brace yourself, you’re in for a ride.

7. Data is everywhere even in your personal life

And I mean really everywhere. From the moment you have a device, you already start collecting data. You can play with data without even working at a company.

I’ve seen people collect their own health data and try to make sense of it to understand the underlying factors behind their health issues. Knowing how to manipulate data can come in handy even in your personal life.

Whether it’s modeling your daily habits or understanding your stats on Strava, knowing a thing or two about data will benefit you in life.

8. Data science sits on the front rows of the 4th Industrial revolution

It means you can be part of shaping the world of tomorrow.

Data science is exciting because of how intellectually stimulating and novel it is. The different challenging techniques you can learn are so wide, and being able to master them means you’ll be able to bring answers to some of the most challenging, exciting, and mysterious questions. It’s a lifelong learning journey.

The field is constantly morphing and evolving, and it takes you with it in its wave toward the future. Excitement guaranteed.

My advice for you: Make your own list

I hope my list inspires you to come up with your own list of reasons why you’re doing this thing.

Reasons that will speak to your heart, not just your brain (or your pocket). Because when you hit rock bottom, only that will really resonate with you.

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