Getting Started

Regression is a subset of Supervised Learning. It learns a model based on a training dataset to make predictions about unknown or future data. The description ‘supervised‘ comes from the fact that the target output value is already defined and part of the training data. The difference between the subcategories Regression and Classification is only due to the output value. While Classification divides the dataset into classes, Regression is used to output continuous values. [Ras16]

This article introduces a few of the most used Regression methods, explains some metrics to evaluate the performance of the models and describes how the model building process works.
- Regression methods
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Polynomial Regression
- Robust Regression – RANSAC
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Gaussian process regression
- Support Vector Regression
- Model evaluation: How do you evaluate the generated models?
- Model building process: How do I find the best regression method and model for the problem at hand?
1. Regression Methods
Multiple Linear Regression
Linear Regression models assume that the relationships between input and output variables are linear. These models are quite simplistic, but in many cases provide adequate and tractable representations of the relationships. The model aims a prediction of real output data Y
by the given input data X = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_p)
and has the following form:

β describes initially unknown coefficients. Linear models with more than one input variable p > 1
are called multiple linear regression models. The best known estimation method of linear regression is the least squares method. In this method, the coefficients _β = β_0, β_1…, βp are determined in such a way that the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) becomes minimal.

Here, y_i-f(x_i)
describes the residuals, β0 the estimate of the intercept term_, and βj the estimate of the slope parameter_ [Has09, p.44].

Polynomial Regression
By transforming the input variables, e.g. by the logarithm function, the root function etc., non-linear and polynomial relationships can be represented. Nevertheless, these are linear models, as this designation is based on the linearity of the input parameters. [Has09, p.44]
The modelling of such correlations is done using so-called trend models. If the rough course is already evident from the data, regression approaches can be specified. [Fah16, p.512] The following table shows frequently used trend models for simple linear regression.
![Global trend models [Fah16, p.512]](
A direct function for polynomial regression does not exist, at least not in Scikit-learn
. For the implementation the pipeline
function is used. This module combines several transformer and estimation methods in a chain and thereby allows the fixed sequence of steps in the processing of the data. [Sci18g]
The difference to the previously known linear regression is the preliminary step. The function PolynomialFeatures
creates a new matrix containing all polynomial combinations of the features of the input matrix X
. [Sci18h][Sci18]
The following code snippet:
transforms the input vector X
as follows:

The function of the linear model is then:

The following snippet shows the application of Polynomial Regression in scikit-learn
. The pipeline
function is not absolutely necessary here, the transformation of the input matrix X
and the subsequent model building can also be executed by the corresponding commands one after the other. However, the pipeline function is required if polynomial model building is applied within the Cross-validation function (more in the evaluation section of this article).
Polynomial regression allows control of model complexity via the polynomial degree
. Parameters that are set by the user before the algorithm is executed are called hyperparameters. Most regression methods include several hyperparameters, which significantly influence the accuracy of the resulting regression model. You can find a explanation how to find the optimal hyperparameters in the section "Model evaluation".
The following example shows a Polynomial Regression model with the polynomial degree 2. The model resulted from an attempt to predict the energy consumptio of a milling machine. The target value y is the energy consumption [kJ], the used attributes are the axis rotation speed [1/min] and the feed rate [mm/min].

Robust Regression – RANSAC
Regression procedures based on least squares estimation are very susceptible to outliers because the variances are evaluated quadratically. The figure below illustrates the effect of a single outlier on the result of a linear regression.

Robust regression methods circumvent this weakness. The term "robustness" describes the ability of a static method to model distributions that do not correspond to the normal distribution. [Wie12] A measure of robustness is the so-called "breakdown point", which indicates the proportion of the data (e.g. Outliers) that is tolerated by the statistical method. [Hub05]
Probably the best known Robust Regression algorithm is the Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm, introduced in 1981 by Martin Fischler and Robert Bolles. RANSAC is widely used in the field of machine vision. [Fis80]
The operation of the algorithm can be explained in five steps, which are executed iteratively. (1) At the beginning, the procedure selects a random sample from the data and uses it for model building. In the following figure, the sample includes the two circled data points. (2) The error of all data points to the model f(x) are then calculated and compared to the user-defined threshold. If the deviation is below this value, the data point is considered an inlier.

(3) This process is repeated until a specified number of iterations have been run or a specified performance of the model has been achieved. As model results is the function that yields the most inliers. [Ras18]
The following Python snippet describes the implementation using scikit-learn
. The maximum number of iterations is set to four and the minimum sample size to two. These values are adjusted depending on the dataset size. For the determination of the inliers, the absolute values of the vertical distances between the data points and the regression line is calculated. [Ras18][Sci18b]
The following figure shows an example of iterative model building after executing the code snippet above. Iteration 2 shows the best performance of the model.

The number of iterations n required for an outlier-free subset to be selected from the data points at least once with a certain probability p can be determined as follows [Rod04][Dan18]:

Assuming that the relative proportion of outliers δ is about 10%, the number of iterations n
at which an outlier-free subset is selected at least once with a probability of p = 99%
is calculated to:

Decision Trees and Random Forest
A Decision Tree grows by iteratively splitting tree nodes until the ‘leaves’ contain no more impurities or a termination condition is reached. The creation of the Decision Tree starts at the root of the tree and splits the data in a way that results in the largest Information Gain IG. [Ras18, p.107][Aun18][Has09, p.587][May02][Sci18c]
In general, the Information Gain IG of a feature a is defined as follows [Qui86][Bel15, p.47][Ras18, p.107]:

In binary Decision Trees, the division of the total dataset D_p
by attribute a
into D_left
and D_right
is done. Accordingly, the information gain is defined as:

The algorithm aims at maximizing the information gain, i.e. the method wants to split the total dataset in such a way that the impurity in the child nodes is reduced the most.
While classification uses entropy
or the Gini coefficient
as a measure of impurity, regression uses, for example, the Mean Squared Error (MSE)
as a measure of the impurity of a node. [Ras18, p.347].

Splitting methods that use the Mean Squared Error
to determine impurity are also called variance reduction methods. Usually, the tree size is controlled by the maximum number of nodes max_depth
, at which the division of the dataset stops. [Has09, S.307]
The visualization of the nodes and leaves of the decision tree can be done using the graphviz
The following figure shows the result of the Decision Tree for a simple dataset. The method splits the dataset into two partial subsets (left and right) in such a way that the variance is reduced as much as possible. For the dataset shown, the limit at which the dataset is split the first time is 6.5.

Random Forest
By merging several uncorrelated Decision Trees, often a significant improvement of the model accuracy can be achieved. This method is called Random Forest. The trees are influenced by certain random processes (randomization) as they grow. The final model reflects an averaging of the trees.
Different methods of randomization exist. According to Breiman, who coined the term ‘Random Forest‘ in 1999, random forests are established according to the following procedure. First, a random sample is chosen from the total dataset for each tree. As the tree grows, a selection of a subset of the features takes place at each node. These serve as criteria for splitting the dataset. The target value is then determined for each Decision Tree individually. The averaging of these predictions represents the prediction of the Random Forest. [Bre01][Jam13]
The Random Forest has a number of hyperparameters. The most crucial one, besides the maximum depth of the trees max_depth
, is the number of decision trees n_estimators
. By default, the Mean Square Error (MSE) is used as criterion for splitting the dataset as the trees grow. [Sci18d]
The following figure shows an example model for the Random Forest. The way it works results in the characteristic "step" form.

Since the Random Forest combines several models into a single one, it belongs to the field of Ensemble Learning. More precisely, the Random Forest is a so-called Bagging technique.
Besides Bagging, the best known type of ensemble learning technique is Boosting, with the best known algorithms from this area being the AdaBoost and XGboost algorithms.
If you are interested in what exactly is the difference between boosting and bagging (and thus AdaBoost and Random Forest), you can find a more detailed introduction here:
Gaussian process regression
The Gaussian Process captures the typical behavior of a system on the basis of observations of a system and delivers as a result a probability distribution of possible interpolation functions for the problem at hand.
The Gaussian Process Regression makes use of the Bayes’ theorem in the following, which is why it should be briefly explained in advance.
In general, the Bayes’ theorem is defined as follows:

It allows the inference from known values to unknown values. A often used application example is the disease detection. In the case of rapid tests, for example, one is interested in how high the actual probability is, that a positive tested person actual has the disease. [Fah16]
In the following, we will apply this principle to the Gaussian Process.
The Gaussian Process is defined by the expected value for each random variable, the mean function m(x)
and a covariance function k(x,x´)

The mean function m(x)
reflects the priori function for the problem at hand and is based on known trends or biases in the data. If the expected value (mean function) is constant 0, it is called a centered Gaussian process.

The covariance function k(x, x´)
, also called ‘kernel‘, describes the covariance of the random variables x and x′ . These functions are analytically defined.

The kernel defines the shape and the course of the model functions and is used to describe, for example, abstract properties such as smoothness, roughness and noise. More kernels can be combined by certain computational rules to emulate systems with superimposed properties. [Ebd08][Kuß06] [Ras06][Vaf17]
In the following three of the most used kernels will be presented:
Squared Exponential Kernel
A popular Kernel is the Squared Exponential Kernel
(Radial Basis Function) and has established itself as the ‘standard kernel‘ for the Gaussian Process and the Support Vector Machine. [Sci18l]

The following figures show an example for an A-priori-Gaussian process p(f)
through the mean function m(x)
(black line) and the confidence interval
(gray background). Generally, the confidence interval indicates the range, given an infinite repetition of a random experiment, with some probability, the true location of the parameter lies [Fah16][Enc18]. In this case, the boundaries of the confidence interval are defined by the **** standard deviation σ.
The colored curves represent some random functions of the Gaussian Process. The example curves serve only to abstract the form of the possible output functions. In principle, an infinite number of these curves could be created.
![A-priori Gaussian-Prozess using a Squared Exponential Kernel - Image by the author(inspired by [Sci18n][Duv14])](
The kernel has only two hyperparameters:
- l (length_scale) decribes the characteristic length scale of the covariance function. The length_scale influences the length of the ‘waves‘ of the Gaussian functions.
- The variance σ² defines the average distance of the function from its mean. The value should be chosen high for functions that cover a large range on the y-axis. [Ebd08]
The following figure shows the effects of the hyperparameters on the A-Priori-Gaussian-Process and its functions.

Rational Quadratic Kernel
The Rational Quadratic Kernel
can be seen as a combination of several Squared Exponential Kernels with different length_scale
settings (l). The parameter α determines the relative weighting of the ‘large-scale‘ and ‘small-scale‘ functions. When α approaches infinity, the Rational Quadratic Kernel is identical to the Squared Exponential Kernel. [Duv14][Sci18k][Mur12]

![A-priori Gaussian-Prozess using Rational Quadratic Kernel - Image by the author (inspired by [Sci18n][Duv14])](
Periodic Kernel
The Periodic Kernel
allows functions to repeat themselves. The period p describes the distance between the repetitions of the function. The use of the ‘lenghtscale‘ parameter (l) is as mentioned earlier. [Sci18j]

![A-priori Gaussian-Prozess using Periodic Kernel - Image by the author (inspired by [Sci18n][Duv14])](
The kernel funnction
and mean function
together describe the A-priori-Gaussian-Process. With the help of some measured values, a A-posteriori-Gaussian-Process can be defined, which takes into account all available information about the problem. More precisely, no single solution results, but all possible functions of the interpolations, which are weighted with different probabilities. In the case of a regression task, specifically, the solution (function) with the highest probability is crucial. [Ras06][Wik18a][Wik18a]
For regression, typically a dataset with values of the independent variable X ∈ R and associated values of the dependent variable f ∈ R is given and one wants to predict output values f∗ for new values X∗. [Vaf17]
For the simplest case, a process without noise, the multidimensional Gaussian distribution is defined as follows:

The covariance matrix can be divided into four parts. The covariance within the unknown values K_X∗X∗ , the covariance between the unknown and known K_X∗X values, and the covariance within the known values K_XX.
Since f
is completely known, substituting the probability density into Bayes’ theorem yields the a-posterior-Gaussian-distribution.

A detailed derivation is given by Rasmussen in his book ‘Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning‘. [Ras06, p.8 ff.]
From priori to posteriori Gaussian Process: Explained with a simple example
In practice, a number of other kernels are used, including combinations of several kernel functions. The constant kernel for example is usually used in conjunction with others. Using this kernel without the combination with other kernels, usually makes no sense, because only constant correlations can be modeled. Nevertheless, in the following the constant kernel is used to explain and illustrate the Gaussian-process regression in a simple way.
The figure below shows the a-priori-Gaussian-Process with a variance of one. By defining the constant kernel as the covariance function, all sample functions show a parallel line to the x-axis.

Since no statement is made in advance about a possible noise of the measured data, the process assumes that the given measurement point is a part of the true function. This limits the number of possible function equations to the straight line that passes directly through the point. Since the constant kernel only allows horizontal lines, the number of possible lines in this simple case narrows down to exactly one possible function. Thus the covariance of the a-posteriori-Gaussian process is zero.
With the RBF Kernel
, arbitrary processes can be mapped, but this time the result is not a single straight line as A-posteriori-Gaussian, but a multitude of functions. The function with the highest probability is the mean function
of the A-posteriori-Gaussian-Process. The following figure shows the A-posteriori-Gaussian-Process and the used measurement points.

To implement the Gaussian Process in Python, the A-priori-Gaussian-Process must be defined in advance. The mean function m(x)
is usually assumed to be constant and zero. By setting a parameter normalize_y = True
, the process uses the mean of the dataset values as the constant expected value function. The choice of the covariance function is made by choosing the kernel. [Sci18m]
Gaussian Process Regression in Scikit-learn
The following source code describes how to implement the Gaussian Process Regression with scikit learn and the RBF Kernel
used as covariance function. The first optimization process starts from the pre-set values (length_scale
and variance
) of the kernel. By the parameter alpha
an assumption can be made in advance about the strength of the noise of the training data.
Optimization process: Hyperparameter erstimation using maximum-likelihood method
The hyperparameters are optimized during the fitting of the model by maximizing the log-marginal likelihood (LML). Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is a method for determining the parameters of a statistical model. While the Regression methods already presented, such as Linear Regression, aim to minimize the Mean Square Error, the Gaussian-Process Regression tries to maximize the likelihood function. In other words, the parameters of the model are selected in such a way that the observed data appear most plausible according to their distribution.
In general, the probability function f
of a random variable X
is defined as:

This distribution is assumed to depend on a parameter ϑ. Given observed data, the probability can be considered as a function of ϑ :

Maximum likelihood estimators aim to maximize this function. Maxima are usually identified by differentiating the function and then setting it equal to zero. Since the log likelihood function has its maximum at the same point as the likelihood function, but is easier to calculate, it is usually used. [Goo16, p.128]

One speaks of a normal or Gaussian distribution if a random variable X has the following probability density [Fah16, p.83]:

The maximum-likelihood method will be explained in the following using a simple one-dimensional example. **** The figure below shows the dataset. All three plotted probability distributions reflect the distribution of the data. With maximum likelihood, one is interested in the distribution that is most likely.
![The normal distribution depending on the parameters expected value and variance - Image by the author (inspired by [BB18])](
The goal is to define the parameters σ² and µ in such a way that the probability is maximized over all data points considered. For example, given three data points with x-values 9, 10 and 13, similar to the data points in the figure, the joint probability is calculated from the individual probabilities as follows:

This function must be maximized. The mean value then corresponds to the x-value
that is most likely to occur.
The following figure shows an example model for the Gaussian Process Regression.

Support Vector Regression
The functionality of the Support Vector Regression (SVR) is based on the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and will first be explained with a simple example. We are looking for the linear function:

⟨w, x⟩ describes the cross product. The goal of SV Regression is to find a straight line as model for the data points whereas the parameters of the straight line should be defined in such a way that the line is as ‘flat‘ as possible. This can be achieved by minimizing the norm: [Wei18][Ber85]

For the model building process it does not matter how far the data points are from the modeled straight line as long as they are within a defined range (-ϵ to +ϵ). Deviations that exceed the specified limit ϵ are not allowed.
![Functionality of the Support Vector Regression -Image by the author (inspired by [Smo04])](
These conditions can be described as a convex optimization problem:

To this optimization problem finds a solution if all data points can be approximated within an accuracy of ϵ (The figure above shows a simple example for this scenario). However, this is a simplified assumption and usually does not hold in practice. To be able to circumvent unsolvable optimization problems, the variables ζi, ζ∗are introduced -the so called slack variables.
![The soft margin loss setting for a linear SVM - Image by the author (inspired by [Smo04])](
The figure above describes the "punishment "of deviations exceeding the amount of ϵ using a linear loss function. The loss function is called the kernel. Besides the linear kernel, the polynomial or RBF kernel are frequently in use. [Smo04][Yu12][Bur98]
Thus, the formulation according to Vapnik is as follows:

The constant C describes the trade-off between the condition of flatness and the deviations greater than ϵ that are tolerated.
In order to be able to model non-linear relationships with the Support Vector Regression as well, the so-called ‘kernel trick‘ is used. Therefore the original characteristics are mapped into a higher-dimensional space. [Pai12]
The implementation with scikit-learn
and the RBF kernel looks like this:
Summary of the regression methods presented in this article
The following figure provides an overview of the regression methods presented and a brief summary of how they work.

2. Model evaluation
There are various methods and procedures to evaluate the accuracy of a model.
Metric functions
The sklearn.metrics
module includes several loss and evaluation functions to measure the quality of the regression models. Mean Squared Error (MSE) is a key criterion for assessing the quality of a regression model [Ras18, p.337]. If yˆ_i describes the value predicted by the model at the i-th data sample, and yi describes the corresponding true value, then the Mean Squared Error (MSE)_ of the model over n_Samples is described as [Sci18a]:

Another parameter for determining the accuracy of regression models is the Mean Absolute Error (MAE).

Both metrics can be found in the module sklearn.metrics
. They compare the predicted and actual values for the test dataset.
Coefficient of determination (R²)
The so-called coefficient of determination (R²) can be understood as a standardized version of the MSE. This allows an easier interpretation of the performance of the model. The best possible performance is described with the value 1.0. The R² -score can also become negative if the model shows arbitrary deviations from the truth value. A constant model, which makes the prediction of the values without the consideration of the input characteristics, would receive a R² -score of 0.0.
If yˆ_i describes the value predicted by the model at the i-th data sample, and y_i describes the associated true value, then the coefficient of determination R² over n_Samples is defined as [Sci18a]:

The output in Python is the function r2_score
, where y_true
is the true value of the dependent variable and y_pred
is the value predicted by the model.
Cross validation in regression
Cross-validation is a statistical method for model selection. To evaluate a method, the entire dataset is divided into a training and a test dataset, whereby the training dataset usually comprises 80 to 90 % of the entire dataset. In order to achieve the best possible evaluation of the model, the aim is to have as large a test dataset as possible. Good model building is achieved by having as large a training dataset as possible.
Cross-validation is used to circumvent this dilemma. This method allows the entire dataset to be used for both training and testing. Compared to a fixed division into train and test data, cross-validation thus allows a more accurate estimate of model accuracy for future data or data not included in the dataset.
The k-fold cross validation divides the entire dataset X
into k
equal sized blocks (X_1, ..., X_k
). Then the algorithm is trained k
times on k-1
blocks and tested with the remaining block.

Many learning methods allow an adjustment of the model complexity via one or more hyperparameters. This often leads to the problem of over- or underfitting. Cross-validation is used to find the optimal model complexity. The optimal complexity is achieved by minimizing the approximation error on a test dataset that is unknown during learning. [Du14, p. 27][Has09, p. 242]
The process already described is carried out for different parameter settings and model complexities. For the final model, the setting parameter (γ_opt) is chosen that shows the lowest error (e.g. MSE or MAE). For smaller training datasets, k
can be equated to the number n
of feature vectors. This method is called Leave-One-Out Cross-validation. [Ert16, p.233][Bow15, p.100]
The implementation with sklearn is done with the module cross_validate
. The following code snippet shows the application of cross validation to evaluate the performance of the Linear Regression.
The cv
value defines the number k
of partitions into which the dataset is divided. The Negativ Mean Squared Error
was used as the scoring parameter in this case. The squared error is passed to the list scores
after each run. After the execution of the program code, scores
represents a list with, in this case, three entries, i.e. the Mean Square Error of each regression model. The models differ only in the choice of the test and training dataset, which are varied after each run as described earlier. [Sci18f][Coe13]
The function cross_validate
uses the scoring parameters of the .metrics
module. The following table describes a summary of the so-called scoring parameters used for the evaluation of regression models [Sci18e][Cod18].

Functions ending with _score
return a value that should be maximized if possible. Functions ending with _error
or _loss
return a value to minimize.
If you take a look at the source code of the sklearn.metrics.scorer
module, you can see that for all loss or error functions the parameter greater_is_better
is set to FALSE and the scoring parameter are negated and supplemented with the expression neg_
. This allows to handle all scoring parameters in the same way. [Cod18][Git18]
The following source code shows a typical application example of cross-validation. The example uses Polynomial Regression for modeling, which allows the setting of the model complexity via the specification of the polynomial degree. The image below shows the used dataset and the problem of overfitting. If the evaluation of the model were to be performed using the training data, models with higher complexity usually show higher accuracies. Since the dataset was generated using a sine function, the true function can be used for comparison. For this simple example, you can see at a glance that the polynomial regression model shown with polynomial degree 15 does not correctly represent the regression problem -it is an overfitted model.

To be able to determine the "optimal" polynomial degree, Cross-validation is used in the following.
A good model is characterized by the lowest possible error of the model when applied to the test dataset. In order to obtain the best possible evaluation of the models for the relative small dataset, a ‘leave-one-out cross-validation‘ is performed for different setting parameters. This is done by setting the number of partitions (into which the dataset is divided during cross-validation) to the number of data points. The list of scores
obtained from cross-validation includes the Mean Square Error for each run. These values are averaged for an assessment of the used regression method.
The left graph of the following figure shows the results of cross-validation for different polynomial degrees. In addition, the error of the model from the training dataset is shown. The error decreases with increasing model complexity. This explains why an evaluation and optimization of the model on the basis of the training data is on the basis of the training data would not be practicable.
The Mean Square Error determined by cross-validation shows steadily low values in the range of a polynomial degree of three to seven. More complex systems no longer adequately represent the process, which is why the calculated accuracy for data not included in the training dataset and future data of the process decreases significantly. The optimum is shown at a polynomial degree of three. If the resulting model is plotted, it shows a good approximation to the ‘true function’. (The ‘true function’ of the dataset can be given in this case, because the data points were generated with a random offset to the given cos-function).

3. Model building process
The figure below shows the schematic flow of the methode selection and subsequent model generation. The feature selection already takes place before the model building and defines the input attributes of the later regression model. The datasets were already structured during the creation in such a way that they only contain relevant attributes.
The regression methods are suitable for different problems, differently well. For evaluation, the dataset is split into training and test dataset before model building. This step is omitted in the source code, as this process is automatically performed iteratively during cross-validation. The execution of the cross validation is done by the cross_val_score
function of the scikit library.
Cross-validation provides an indication of the performance of each regression method. For datasets with a small number of instances, a ‘Leave One Out‘ cross-validation is usually performed. For this, the partition number of the cross-validation is set equal to the length of the dataset.
Hyperparameter optimization through repetitive cross-validation with different hyperparameter settings:
The result of the cross-validation represents a list with the values of the selected scoring parameters. Since the evaluation is performed after each run, if the dataset is divided into five partitions, there is also a list with five evaluation values. An averaging of these values allows an assessment of the performance of the regression procedure. Since most regression methods allow an adjustment of the model complexity via one or more hyperparameters, an adjustment of the hyperparameters is necessary for a meaningful comparison of the regression methods. The finding of these optimal hyperparameter settings is done by iterative model building. The cross-validation is performed repeatedly for different hyperparameter settings. Finally, the parameter settings are chosen which showed the best model accuracy during the evaluation. This process is performed by loops which automatically change the hyperparameters within certain limits and store the evaluation values. The selection of the optimal settings is then done by manual or automated search for the best evaluation results.

While Linear Regression does not allow setting the model complexity, most algorithms comprise multiple hyperparameters. For the optimization of the model, it is usually not sufficient to vary only one of the hyperparameters in procedures with several hyperparameter setting options. Care must be taken that the hyperparameters are not exclusively considered individually, since the effects of the parameter changes partly influence each other.
The figure below shows a list of some important hyperparameters of the presented methods. Especially for the methods which use kernel functions to find the solution, the number of possible settings goes far beyond the listed ones. For a more detailed description, you can find a comprehensive documentation to the methods and their hyperparameters at:

You can find a more detailed introduction into the field of hyperparameter optimization and used methodologies like Grid Search or Bayesian Optimization here:
A Step-by-Step Introduction to Hyperparameter Tuning, Grid Search and Bayesian Optimization
Hope I could give you an overview of different techniques used for regression analysis. Of course, the article does not claim to give a complete picture of regression. Neither with regard to the field of regression nor to the concepts presented. Many important algorithms were not mentioned at all. Nevertheless, these 7 algorithm give you a first good overview of techniques that are used and how they differ from each other in the way they work.
If you found the article helpful, you can also find a similar article on concepts and algorithms used for Anomaly Detection:
A Comprehensive Beginners Guide to the Diverse Field of Anomaly Detection
Thank you for reading!!
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