6 Ways AI can Increase Your Upcoming Mobile App Engagement by 53%

Ashok Sharma
Towards Data Science
5 min readSep 13, 2019


Lack of user engagement is a challenge that all businesses having their own app, are facing since the beginning. Almost every client outsourcing mobile app development to India or any other corner of the world raises this concern. Sadly there was hardly anything we could do about it. However, now the AI development services has completely changed the user engagement game. According to the report, Artificial Intelligence can increase user engagement on your app by 53%.

Now, the question is: how?

Well, that’s the reason we have come up with this blog. Here, we will discuss how AI can increase your app’s user engagement and why you should consult AI development services.

Let’s begin:

How can AI Increase the Mobile App Engagement

1. AI helps you know your customers

Like we said in our previous blog on Salesforce Einstein, only the businesses who know their audience very well are successful these days.

Knowing a customer, however, has always been a tricky part for every business.

What does a customer want?

The answer to this question is never clear. We only make assumptions, and sometimes, these assumptions end up, resulting in a major loss.

And we all know that creating an app is not a small investment. It will take thousands of dollars to develop a decent app. You probably do not want to let all that hard-earned money go down the flush.

Artificial Intelligence ensures you don’t. With the help of advanced algorithms, it has become very easy to figure out the likes and dislikes of customers. From the app theme, colors, fonts, and animations to the app features — you can design everything according to your customer preference and ensure that they don’t have any reason to hate it.

This way, AI can help you avoid all the pitfalls that might cause users to hate your app and ensure that they never leave it.

2. AI makes the user experience more personalized

I hate apps that lack personal experience, so do you, and so does every mobile app user.

Do you know why?

Because apps without user experience are plain boring, you might like them for a while. However, you soon realize that they are not worth your time and investment, and then you delete it.

No wonder why more than 28% of users delete an app within one month of installation.

With the help of AI consulting solutions and advanced algorithms that track user behavior, AI ensures you get a personalized experience so that you remain hooked to your app.

The best example of this is apps like My Starbucks Barista and Amazon Go that track users behavior and anticipate what the user wants. These apps learn from your habits and use that knowledge to offer a great user experience.

You can also use this knowledge of artificial Intelligence to make your apps smarter, to have them learn from the habits of your audience, and use it for offering an incredible experience.

3. AI enables automation

Automation doesn’t mean AI will completely replace human interaction in your app. Instead, it will only help you make faster and better decisions with your app.

For example:

  • Apps like Ola and Uber use automated reasoning to find you the nearest ride.
  • Apps like Zomato and Swiggy use automation to curate and display the list of the finest restaurants near your locality.
  • Google maps use automation to display the shortest routes based on the existing data.

In all these cases, the AI in your mobile apps can save both your time and your cost by automating some tasks. As a result, users would want to engage with your apps more.

4. AI helps you in showcasing your app idea in a more creative way

Each mobile app presents an idea. It showcases users on how effectively you can solve their problem.

Consider Uber and Ola, for example. We all know how difficult it is to book a cab. First, you hardly find any cab that will agree to drop you at your location. But if by chance you do, you have to bargain with the driver before you and he agrees on the same price.

Both Uber and Ola efficiently solve this problem. However, people will only use one of them.

Now the question is:

Which one would they prefer?

Well, they would prefer the one which solves their problem in the easiest way possible. People don’t care if the problem you are solving with your app is small or big. Although, they care a lot about how you are you solving it. The moment they find your app too complicated and boring, they will leave.

That’s why it’s important to ensure that your app idea is represented in the best way possible. This is achieved with the help of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms that track user behavior.

Using the data collected from these algorithms, mobile app development agency can design the app in such a way that it allows users to accomplish their tasks without any hassle. This seamless functionality makes the app more engaging, and they use it more often.

5. AI keeps you relevant and to the point

Do you know which mobile apps are the most annoying? The ones that beat around the bush but offer nothing useful. Such apps waste your time and energy. Sometimes, such apps remain on our phone and when noticed, we delete them by giving a harsh review with a 1-star rating. As a mobile app user, you would probably do the same, and so will any other mobile app user.

So, would you invest your valuable time and money in creating such a bogus and irrelevant app that offers nothing to the users?

You will certainly not. However, the main question is:

How do we know what’s relevant to the user?

That’s where AI comes into play. The apps built on the AI structure will use advanced algorithms to track and understand how their apps are being used. Then they can use the collected insights to improve the user experience and only offer the information they find relevant, not just about anything.

6. AI offers your app a scope for improvement

There is always a possibility to improve an app.

However, unless app developers don’t know which areas of the app really need to be enhanced, making any significant improvement is impossible. They might update the app based on wild guesses, and while doing so might keep releasing the app updates which offer no real help.

But by using AI in mobile apps, companies can ensure that they are improving the app with each update.

This is how:

As we discussed earlier, the artificial intelligence algorithms used in mobile apps can track users behavior and analyze in which areas they are interacting the most and in which they are not interacting at all.

Then, mobile app developers can use this collected data to decide which features they want to update on an urgent basis and which they want to enhance in the next updates.

As a result, your app gets systematically improved with each update. Also, see your app getting better step-by-step — the user engagement also improves.

So, you see how effectively AI can boost your app’s engagement

This is one of the main reasons why more and more businesses have started preferring mobile apps that use artificial Intelligence.

Creating apps that use AI, however, is not that easy. The process requires high-level specialization and an expert development team (Full-stack developers, AI Developers, UI/UX designers, DevOps Engineers…

Originally published at https://www.signitysolutions.com/blog/ai-increase-mobile-app-engagement/



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