Life can get crazy busy. We all have to juggle so many chores and responsibilities every single day. For some, sitting down to learn something is not always feasible. Either you have tons of work tasks to get to, a baby needing your attention, or you’re just so overwhelmed with everything.
Often, learning new things, refreshing your knowledge, or keeping up to date with recent news in the field, is not an easy task. You have to schedule certain times to sit down and actually do these things. Which again is not always feasible or simple.
Luckily, technology comes to the rescue. Podcasts can be a goldmine for new information, new research results, and even getting familiar with new names in the field. Podcasts offer a great way to learn new things while you’re already doing something else. Commuting to work, exercising in the gym, running, cooking, and many other activities, you can use podcasts to make the best of your time.
Podcasts are available using different apps or providers, and perhaps the most famous ones are Spotify, Apple podcasts, Pocketcasts, or even the browser. No matter which one you use, you will find all the podcasts we will discuss in this article.
In this article, I will help you navigate some of the best Data Science podcasts out there that you can listen to enrich and expand your knowledgebase on the go. Not just that, but also to listen to people’s work stories and their learning journey to learn from their insights and experiences.
№1: SuperDataScience
Let’s kick off this list with The SuperDataScience Podcast. This podcast offers knowledge from a wide range of machine learning topics, artificial intelligence, and data science in general. It provides perspectives from both the academic world and the industrial world to keep you up-to-date with recent advances in the overall field.
If you’re looking for a podcast that discusses research topics, getting into data science, finding a job in data science, in-depth technical aspects of the field, or you’re just curious to hear other people’s journey within the data science field and learn from their insights, and this podcast is for you. The SuperDataScience podcast has new episodes almost every 3 days.
№2: Women in Data Science
Sometimes, women find themselves feeling left out and underrepresented in technological fields. However, one of my favorite things about the data science field and community is, it has a better gender balance than many other fields. The second podcast on the list is Woman in Data Science (WiDS) podcast.
This podcast hosts different brilliant women from various fields within data science. They discuss their work, their journey, their experience in both academia and industry. The podcast episodes discuss the different application fields of data science from healthcare to commence to human rights and much more.
№3: Data Science at Home
We are all stuck at home for a year now – more or less depending on where you are. So this podcast’s name couldn’t be more perfect for our current situation. Data Science at Home is a podcast produced by Amethix Technologies with new episodes every week.
The Data Science at Home discusses recent findings and advances in different data science branches, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and many other branches. Each episode interviews one or more influential researchers in the field, talking about their work to keep everyone updated.
№4: Data Stories
Data science is all about interpreting the stories told by data. These stories can be told differently based on how you present them out. In other words, how do you visualize them. Effective visualization is essential to the success of any data science project. And because it’s a very important skill for any data scientist, the Data Stories podcast focuses only on visualizations.
The Data Stories podcast episodes discuss various tools, techniques, and approaches that can be used to visualize data effectively. Data visualization is more than just a step of your project; it’s an art form. This podcast will teach how to choose the best visualization for your data and keep you up-to0date with the latest tools to help you create the best visualization possible.
№5: Practical AI: Machine Learning & Data Science
Sometimes, especially if you’re new to data science or just studying the theoretical aspects, the entire idea of the field seems distant and unpractical. The Practical AI: Machine Learning & Data Science podcast takes ideas and concepts and puts them in real-life scenarios.
The podcast discusses different machine learning topics, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and more with experts, researchers, students, and enthusiasts. These discussions focus on the real-life implementation and applications of these technologies rather than their theory only. If you want to know the latest usages of the various technologies in real applications, this podcast is for you.
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№6: Towards Data Science
It won’t be fair to finish this list without including the Towards Data Science (TDS) podcast. TDS is more than just a publication on Medium; when I first started my learning journey, TDS was my guide to learning everything I needed.
The TDS podcast offers regular episodes interviewing some of the distinguished writers in data science about different topics all over the data science field, from starting a career to getting a job to an in-depth discussion about technical aspects of the field and the different applications of data science in the real-life.
Final Thoughts
Living in Japan, commute time can be quite long; every day, I have to spend 3 or 4 hours sitting on a train doing nothing. I felt like I can use this time to either nap or expand my knowledge about any topic I am curious about. I started using that time to read new books, listen to audiobooks, and most times listen to different podcasts about various topics.
Commuting time is something we all have to deal with to different extents; some have short commutes, and some have long ones, but nevertheless, we all do have some commute. COVID had made it difficult for me to keep up with my podcasts and audiobooks as we all got stuck home all the time.
But, I still listen to my podcasts when I am cleaning, cooking, or baking. Podcasts always offered me a great opportunity to learn new things without having to dedicate my time to these tasks solely. They helped me become more productive and keep my mind sharp.
In this article, I offered you 6 excellent choices of data science podcasts that you can listen to learn new data science topics, stay up-to-date with the latest in data science research, and refresh your memory on topics you already know. Regardless of your experience level, or your specific interest within the various data science branches, you will find something in these podcasts that you will like.