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5 Ways to Apply If-Else Conditional Statements in Pandas

Revisiting Pandas Basics and Honing Your Data Wrangling Skills

Image by muxin alkayis from Pixabay
Image by muxin alkayis from Pixabay

Creating a new column or modifying an existing column in a Pandas data frame – based on a set of if-else conditions – is probably one of the most frequently encountered problems among all different types of data wrangling tasks. In this post, I’d like to share with you my notepad which summarizes the 5 popular ways of applying if-else conditional statements in Pandas dataframes with handy and practical code snippets. For simplicity, I created a small sample dataset and will use it for demonstration purposes throughout the tutorial.

Let’s say we have a pandas dataframe as shown below. The column ‘visits_30days’ shows how many times a customer visited a website in the last 30 days. We want to create a new column that either categorizes these customers into ‘non-visitor’ or ‘visitor’ (a binary categorization) or categorizes them into multiple buckets such as ‘0 visits’, ‘1–5 visits’, ‘6-10 visits’, etc. We’ll name this new column ‘visits_category’.

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Method 1: Use the numpy.where() function

The numpy.where() function is an elegant and efficient Python function that you can use to add a new column based on ‘true’ or ‘false’ binary conditions. The syntax looks like this:

np.where(condition, value if condition is true, value if condition is false)

Applying the syntax to our dataframe, our code would look like this. The new column ‘visits_category’ has the value of either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on the condition of whether the value of the ‘visits_30days’ column is equal to 0 or not.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df['visits_category'] = np.where(df['visits_30days']== 0, 'YES', 'NO')
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Image by Author

Method 2: Use the lambda function

Like np.where() , the lambda function is another superb choice when you need to add a column based on a simple binary if-else condition. The generic structure of the code using lambda function is:

df['new column name'] = df['column name'].apply(lambda x: 'value if condition is true' if x condition else 'value if condition is false')

For our specific example, the code would look like this:

df['visits_category'] = df['visits_30days'].apply(lambda x: 'YES' if x == 0 else 'NO')

Method 3: Use the function

Now let’s move on to a more complicated scenario. Let’s say we want to create multiple categories for ‘visits_category’ involving multiple conditions. You won’t be able to achieve it by using np.where(). Instead, you can use to apply more complicated conditions.

First, create a python list that specifies your conditions in the order of which one needs to be executed first, second, etc.

#Create a python list to specify all the conditions
conditions = [
    (df['visits_30days'] == 0),
    (df['visits_30days'] > 0) &amp; (df['visits_30days'] <= 5),
    (df['visits_30days'] > 5) &amp; (df['visits_30days'] <= 10),
    (df['visits_30days'] > 10)

Then, create a python list of values that we want to assign to each condition. Make sure each value corresponds to the condition created in the first step.

#create a python list of values to be assigned to the conditions
values = ['0 visits', '1-5 visits', '6-10 visits', '>10 visits']

Finally, create the new column using by using the two lists you created before as the arguments.

# use to create a new column
df['visits_category'] =, values)

Putting the three pieces of code together you get the following:

df['visits_category'] =[
    (df['visits_30days'] == 0),
    (df['visits_30days'] > 0) &amp; (df['visits_30days'] <= 5),
    (df['visits_30days'] > 5) &amp; (df['visits_30days'] <= 10),
    (df['visits_30days'] > 10)
    ], ['0 visits', '1-5 visits', '6-10 visits', '>10 visits'])
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Image by Author

Method 4: Use the Pandas apply() function

With this method, we can first define a function that specifies the conditions. We then apply that function along columns (axis=1).

def conditions(row):
    if row['visits_30days'] == 0:
        val = '0 visits'
    elif row['visits_30days'] >0 &amp; row['visits_30days']<=5:
        val = '1-5 visits'
    elif row['visits_30days'] >5 &amp; row['visits_30days']<=10:
        val = '5-10 visits'  
    elif row['visits_30days'] >10:
        val = '>10 visits'  
        val = 'NA'
    return val

#Apply the function to each data point in the data frame
df['visits_category']= df.apply(conditions, axis=1)

Method 5: Use DataFrame.loc()

Pandas DataFrame.loc() selects rows and columns by label(s) in a given DataFrame. For example, in the code below, the first line of code selects the rows in the dataframe where the value of ‘visits_30days’ is equal to zero and assigns ‘0 visits’ to the new column ‘visits_category’ for only those rows that meet this specific condition. You then do the same thing for other conditions as well.

df.loc[(df['visits_30days'] == 0), 'visits_category'] = '0 visits' 
df.loc[(df['visits_30days'] > 0) &amp; (df['visits_30days'] <= 5), 'visits_category'] = '1-5 visits' 
df.loc[(df['visits_30days'] > 5) &amp; (df['visits_30days'] <= 10), 'visits_category'] = '5-10 visits'  
df.loc[(df['visits_30days'] > 10) , 'visits_category'] = '>10 visits'  

Learning and summarizing the most common pandas’ data wrangling techniques has always been a fun and helpful exercise in my daily data scientist life. Data wrangling is an important element in a data scientist’s day-to-day work and accounts for nearly 80% of the time spent on a data analytics project. Having a notepad nearby with all your favorite code snippets sorted and summarized is a great and efficient way to improve your productivity. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thanks for reading.

Data Source: The sample dataset used in this tutorial was created by the author for demonstration purposes.

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