5 String-Based Filtering Methods Every Pandas User Should Know

A guide to filtering on string columns.

Avi Chawla
Towards Data Science


Photo by Andreas Palmer on Unsplash

Filtering operation in Pandas refers to selecting a subset of rows whose values in some particular column(s) comply with a specific condition.

For instance, consider the dummy DataFrame on the left in the image below. If you want to select all the rows where the value in col1 is either A or B, the filtering operation should be such that it yields the DataFrame on the right.

Filtering dataframe on col1 (Image by author).

The above type of filtering specifically refers to string-based filtering in Pandas.

In this post, I will share some of the most prevalent methods you should know as a Pandas user to filter DataFrames on string columns. The highlight of the article is as follows:

How to Identify a String Column?
String-based Filtering Methods:
#1 Filter based on a single categorical value
#2 Filter based on multiple categorical values
#3 Filter based on the length of string
#4 Filter based on the presence of a substring
#5 Filter based on the type of characters in a string

Let’s begin 🚀!

How to Identify a String Column?

Before I proceed with the popular methods in Pandas to filter data on string values, let’s understand how you can identify a column with a string data type.

In Pandas, the data type of a string column is represented as object. To determine the data type, you can use the dtype attribute of a series as follows:

Here, you should note that even if a single value in a series is a string, the whole column will be interpreted as a string-type column. For instance, let’s change the first value in col2 from 1 to “1".

This time, the data type of col2 is object rather than int64— depicting a string data type.

String-based Filtering Methods

Next, let’s proceed with understanding methods that you can use to filter DataFrames on a column with object data type.

#1 Filter based on a single categorical value

First, say you want to filter all the rows whose value in the string column belongs to a single categorical value in the column. This is demonstrated in the image below:

The above filtering is implemented below:

The above approach filters all the rows where the value in col1 is “A”.

This can also be implemented using the query() method as shown below:

Note: While filtering using the query() method on a string column, you should enclose the filter value in single quotes as demonstrated above.

#2 Filter based on multiple categorical values

Similar to the above filtering, if you want to filter multiple values in a single go, you can do so in three ways.

  • Using logical operators:

The above condition states that the value in col1 should either be “A” or “B”.

  • The second way is to use the isin() method as demonstrated below:

The isin() method used above accepts a list of values to filter.

  • Lastly, we can use the query() method as shown below:

The isin() method used above accepts a list of filter values. On the other hand, the query() method evaluates a string expression to filter rows from a DataFrame.

#3 Filter based on the length of string

Here, say you want to filter all the rows from a DataFrame where the length of the strings in a column is greater/less than a threshold.

Invoking the len() method on a series lets you compute the length of individual entries, which can then be used to filter the rows according to a threshold.

Below, we filter all the strings from col1 whose length is greater than 4.

Before executing a method on an object column, values should be retrieved as string type using the str attribute, over which you can run a range of string methods available in python, such as strip(), isupper(), upper(), len() etc.

#4 Filter based on the presence of a substring

Next, say you want to extract rows for which the values in the string column contain a particular substring.

There are three widely used methods for this.

  • Match at the beginning of the string

As the name suggests, this method will return a row only if the substring matches the beginning of the string-value column.

Say you want to find all strings which begin with the substring “Jo”. We will use the startswith() method demonstrated below. Also, recall from the previous filtering method (#3), we should first convert the object column to a string using the str attribute.

If your column has NaN values, you should specify nan=False in the startswith() method, otherwise, it will raise an error

The error block is shown below:

Specifying nan=False ignores NaN values:

  • Match at the end of the string

Matching at the end of the string has a similar syntax to startswith(). Here, we use the endswith() method as shown below:

Note: Both startswith() and endswith() are case-sensitive methods.

  • Match anywhere in the string

In contrast to the startswith() and endswith() method that only match a substring at the start and the end of the string, respectively, the contains() method can find potential matches anywhere within the string-valued column.

By default, the contains() method performs case-sensitive matches. However, it can perform case-insensitive matches as well by passing the case=False argument as shown below:

#5 Filter based on the type of characters in a string

This type of filtering is based on the type of characters present in the string, such as:

- Filter if all characters are upper-case   : isupper()
- Filter if all characters are lower-case : islower()
- Filter if all characters are alphabetic : isalpha()
- Filter if all characters are numeric : isnumeric()
- Filter if all characters are digits : isdigit()
- Filter if all characters are decimal : isdecimal()
- Filter if all characters are whitespace : isspace()
- Filter if all characters are titlecase : istitle()
Filter if all characters are alphanumeric : isalnum()

I have demonstrated a couple of these methods below.

  • Filter alphanumeric strings from the DataFrame:
  • Filter numeric strings from the DataFrame:

This brings us to the end of this post.

To conclude, in this post, we discussed some of the most widely used and must-know string-based filtering methods in Pandas.

String-based filtering can also be executed using Regular Expressions (RegEx) in python. In the interest of time, I have not discussed them in this post and will release another blog soon!

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