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5 Data Science Podcasts To Follow in 2022

Hear the voices from within the world of data science.

Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash
Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash

Data Science is not something you can learn from listening to podcasts. However, what podcasts provide is something you cannot learn from other resources: real life experience.

We live in a time where it is extremely easy and cheap to access information. Same goes for data science as well. Personal blogs, MOOC courses, and Youtube are just some of the resources available for learning data science.

These resources are usually missing a fundamental piece to complete the puzzle: real life experience. The best candidate for filling this gap is podcasts. They not only cover data science related subjects but also host people from the industry who share their experience.

For this very reason, I see podcasts as a highly valuable resource for learning data science. They warm you up and prepare you for your first job in the data science ecosystem.

Another advantage of listening to podcasts is that you get an idea what data scientists work on in a specific field. Thus, it helps you decide on your path in data science. Since data science is such a broad field with a wide range of applications, it is important to focus on a specific area and improve your skills accordingly.

Last but not least, podcasts help you stay up-to-date and follow the recent developments in the data science ecosystem. They almost always share the most recent updates and news.

In this article, I will list 5 data science podcasts that I strongly suggest you to follow.

Data Skeptic

The Data Skeptic Podcast by Kyle Polich covers topics related to data science, Machine Learning, statistics, and data science. The guests are from both academia and the industry. Thus, you get to learn about the research areas in data science as well as how companies apply data science.

As of writing this article, there are almost 400 episodes. New ones are coming every week.

Data Science At Home

Data Science At Home is hosted by Francesco Gadaleta and updated biweekly. I really like how Francesco explains things and leads the Podcast when he has a guest. I feel like he asks the questions I would be asking to the guest speaker.

Data Science At Home has episodes that cover software tools and packages used in data science. There are also episodes that explain some key terms and concepts such as reinforcement learning, unbalanced data, MLOps, and so on.

Python Bytes

Python is by far the most commonly used programming language in data science. It is easy-to-learn and has an intuitive syntax which makes Python the first choice for aspiring data scientists.

Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. It is a great resource to stay up-to-date with Python and improve your Python skills.

Not So Standard Deviations

Not So Standard Deviations is hosted by Roger Peng and Hilary Parker. They talk about the latest developments in data science in academia and industry.

They host guests from time to time. For instance, Julia Silge was the guest speaker in an episode in June 2021. She has developed tools and packages in the R programming language.

AI Today

AI Today is hosted by Kathleen Watch and Ron Schmelzer. It might be the go-to resource for learning what goes on in the world of AI. Kathleen and Ron also interview experts who share their experience and thoughts on specific topics.

What I like the best about podcasts is that they lead us beyond the traditional resources. The books, blogs, and online courses are great resources for learning data science. In order to complete the picture, we also need to learn the recent developments in the industry and how data science is applied in businesses.

The podcasts mentioned in this article let us learn from the experience of people who are already working in the field of data science.

Thank you for reading. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

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