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4 Resources to Get You Started With Quantum Computing

There's no better time to start than now.

Photo by Dan Dimmock on Unsplash
Photo by Dan Dimmock on Unsplash

Over the past couple of years, quantum computing has moved from the theoretical side to practice. Right now, there is actual quantum hardware – although not great – that you can use to execute codes written in Python. This big step from theory to practice made getting into the field of quantum computing more accessible and doable for anyone interested.

If you were ever curious about quantum computing and its potential to improve many fields such as Machine Learning and artificial intelligence, not to mention the premise that it could solve problems current computers failed to solve. You probably tried to look up some materials and try to read more on the topic.

Finding good materials is not always an easy task. The internet is full of resources for anything you could think of, so how can you choose?

I am writing this article to help out those interested in getting a taste of quantum computers capable of today and the future. In this article, I will mention 4 resources you can use to understand the basics of the field and build applications, write code, and run on actual quantum hardware.

Let’s teleport into the quantum realm…

4 Reasons Why Now Is the Best Time to Start With Quantum Computing

MIT Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction

I will start with the basics. When you get into any new field, you must first understand its fundamentals and terminology. This book, written by MIT professors, covers quantum computing basics, starting with the very beginning of qubits, superposition, and entanglement.

It will walk you through the transition from classical to quantum and the basics of quantum mechanics. The first chapter will leave you with the knowledge you need to read any other book or research papers on quantum computing.

The book covers some examples of quantum algorithms, such as Grover’s and Shor’s algorithms, and how they actually work.

Sabine Hossenfelder

Although the MIT book covers all the basics, as humans, we are visual creatures. We comprehend what we see faster and more efficiently than what we read.

If you want to learn the basics of quantum mechanics and quantum computing in a video format, Sabine Hossenfelder’s YouTube channel is one amazing option to do so.

Her YouTube channel covers a wide range of scientific topics, from pure physics to quantum physics and mechanics. Perhaps the most useful playlist to watch for quantum enthusiasts is the understanding quantum mechanics playlist.

The playlist covers fundamental topics in quantum mechanics in easy-to-understand terms that will get you up to date with what you need to start diving into deeper knowledge.

Qiskit Introduction to Quantum Computing

Another very wonderful YouTube channel is the Qiskit channel. Qiskit (Quantum Information Science Kit) is an open-source Python module that allows you to implement quantum algorithms using Python and run them on IBM’s quantum hardware.

This channel covers the fundamentals of quantum computing, but it also goes through how you can implement these fundamentals using code. IBM has put a lot of effort into keeping this channel active by posting new tutorials every week.

If you’re just getting started, start with the Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware playlist. This playlist takes through the world of quantum, starting at qubits and ending with quantum error correction and quantum chemistry.

Qiskit Textbook

Although the Qiksit YouTube channel will cover basically all aspects of quantum computing and its applications and how to use Qiskit to implement quantum algorithms, the Qiskit textbook offers in-depth written explanations of many algorithms and code implementation using Python.

Qiksit textbook is also always under development, and new chapters covering more advanced and complex topics are being added regularly. The book explains things with simple language using many graphics that help the reader better visualize the concepts presented.

The book explains and implements advanced topics such as quantum-classical hybrid neural networks and a little bit about quantum machine learning.

Exactly What You Need to Know to Get Into Quantum Computing

Final Thoughts

The concepts of quantum computing may seem complex and difficult to wrap your head around at first. But, I like to believe that the problem is not with the concepts themselves; rather, it is how the concepts were presented and explained.

I started working on quantum computing for a little bit over three years now. I have gone through various materials and resources during my journey to learn and implement different quantum computing concepts. So, I know how difficult it is to get into the field and fully understand its logic.

That’s why in this article, I presented you with my favorite 4 resources to get into quantum computing, and not just "get into," but also gain advanced knowledge to kickstart your quantum journey with ease.

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