4 Reasons Why I’m Choosing Plotly as My Main Visualization Library
Take your Visualizations to the 21st Century
It can be difficult to choose a perfect data visualization platform, as it will heavily depend on which programming language you are the best at, or if you are even willing to use programming languages to make visualizations — as it’s not mandatory.
In a world of so many great plotting libraries — especially for the JavaScript users — today I will explain to you why I’m choosing Plotly over everything else.
It might not be something you’ll agree with, but give me a couple of minutes of your time to read through the arguments — it will be worth your time.
Before beginning, I’d just want to say that I’m in no way, shape, or form affiliated with developers behind Plotly nor I’ve been contributing with the development. This article is purely based on personal experience and is aimed to help you with choosing a perfect visualization library for your project.
With that being said, let’s jump into the reasons why you’re here.
#1. It’s Python
Now, you’ll consider this as a benefit only if you know Python already — but since you’re reading a Data Science blog I’m assuming you are.