Hands-On Tutorial, Deep Dive, 3D Python

3D Deep Learning Python Tutorial: PointNet Data Preparation

The Ultimate Python Guide to structure large LiDAR point cloud for training a 3D Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Model with the PointNet Architecture.

Florent Poux, Ph.D.
Towards Data Science
30 min readMay 31, 2023


This creative human-made illustration visually highlights how 3D Deep Learning could represent a top-down scene in a way it is easy to separate between classes. If you like these, contact Marina Tünsmeyer.
This creative illustration visually highlights how 3D Deep Learning could represent a top-down scene in a way it is easy to separate between classes. If you like these, contact Marina Tünsmeyer.



Code and Ideas for 3D Data Science & Research | Director of Innovation | Award-winning Senior Researcher & Engineer | Online course at: https://learngeodata.eu