3 Tested Techniques to Recover Your Failing Models

Models that once did well may start to deteriorate. This is how you could stay on course.

Thuwarakesh Murallie
Towards Data Science
6 min readSep 13, 2022


Concept drift: What do rafting and data science have in common? If you don’t look for account for changing current, you’ll fall off a cliff. In the same way if you don’t account for concept drift your machine learning model will soon be outdatated.
Photo by Thilo Lehnert from Pexels.

There’s only one constant in the universe — CHANGE!

Everything you see and sense was a version of itself a moment ago — the data you used to fit your models are no exception.



I write about data science and consult at Stax, where I help clients unlock insights from data to drive business growth. https://www.the-analytics.club