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15 Tips To Be More Successful In Data Science!

15 factors every Data Science enthusiast must work on to have more success as a Data Scientist


Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash
Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

"Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better."

Data Science has emerged to be one of the most popular and groundbreaking subjects of the last decade. This emerging trend is set to continue for the upcoming years. Data Science is at the peak of evolution, and with the rapid progression and advancements in technology, Data Science is here to stay and dominate the modern era.

Apart from being regarded as one of the main prospects of offering jobs to a lot of Data Science enthusiasts, whether it is Data Science or any of its other sub-fields, Data Science is also termed to be one of the sexiest job opportunities of the 21st Century.

To define Data Science in simple terms for the viewers, we can view the subject of Data Science as a broad field that comprises a wide variety of sub-fields. The knowledge of these concepts, when combined together, can effectively be used to develop some wonderful and fabulous projects for the overall benefit of humanity.

Data Science consists of using data elements or datasets that are available and creating unique developmental models. When these models are complete, we can use them effectively to solve the particular task that it was programmed to achieve. Depending on the quality of the models and the skills of the developer, these projects tend to make predictions with extremely high efficiency and accuracy.

However, the more formal approach of definition from Wikipedia can be defined as follows:

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining, machine learning, and big data. Data science is a concept to unify statistics, data analysis and their related methods in order to understand and analyze actual phenomena with data.

With the basic formal definitions and descriptions out of the way, it is time for us to focus on the fifteen tips that will make every enthusiast of the subject more successful in becoming a future data scientist. Every aspiring Data Science student must follow the steps mentioned in this article to achieve top-notch results and improve themselves to become better data scientists of the future. Before we dive more deeply into this article, you need to make sure you actually like and enjoy Data Science.

While everyone is busy jumping on the hype train of Data Science, it is extremely important to find out if the subject of Data Science is something you enjoy studying. If you are not intrigued or fascinated by the numerous characteristics, features, and other aspects of Data Science, then it would be best for you to consider mastering a different field. Data Science requires persistence and dedication to persevere and develop amazing projects that will benefit the modern generation and society.

10 Wrong Reasons To Become A Data Scientist

In this article, we will try to cover both technical and mental aspects that every Data Science enthusiast must focus on and develop their skills to achieve the best possible results and outcomes. Most of the fifteen mentioned points will enable the viewer to gauge an aspect that is an essential requirement to master Data Science. With a basic understanding of Data Science and a realistic expectation of the objectives of this post, let us dive into these concepts and understand these tips one by one.

1. Mentally Prepare Yourself

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."― Benjamin Franklin

Data Science or any Artificial Intelligence topic can sometimes be strenuous. The complexity of a particular question might not appeal to your brain. The time you consume to analyze several aspects of programming, mathematics, theoretical concepts, etc., could strain your mind and create an overall gruel feeling.

When you plan to work intuitively on an interesting topic, there are several occasions where you might start to lose your interest in the same topic. One of the main reasons for these occurrences can be because of the lack of concentration and focus or simply because your mind isn’t fully mentally prepared yet to face the level of complexity you plan to achieve.

Hence, it is extremely important to clear your mind and focus on the objective goals that you plan to accomplish. As a Data Science enthusiast, your primary objective must be to produce high-quality models and results. Make sure to have all your tasks planned out well before in advance to approach your aims in a perfect manner.

While working on the implementation of projects, I would highly recommend making a to-do list that will consistently remind you about the various tasks you need to perform in order to accurately accomplish your desired results. The link provided below is a project idea that will help you implement a reminder application that will constantly act as a reminder for you to perform your tasks.

Python Project To Improve Your Productivity For The New Year!

Basically, try to stay motivated and highly focused on the positive aspects of Data Science. When you begin your preparation for learning new goals and objectives, be more optimistic. Regardless of the final outcome that you are expecting, be mentally prepared to accept failures and proceed on your journey to master Data Science with absolute confidence and sheer will!

2. Research Exclusively On Significant Topics

One of the most essential aspects of Data Science is to research the numerous significant topics in the field. Try to spend some dedicated amounts of time to decode a particularly intriguing topic that you might enjoy studying, reading, or learning about.

For instance, let us consider an example of a machine learning topic such as Logistic Regression. The concept of Logistic Regression is significant in the field of machine learning. Hence, it would be important to gain a better grasp of an essential topic. To master this concept in the best possible way, I would highly recommend you to look into the intricate details of each aspect of Logistic Regression.

Firstly, try to compute and analyze the numerous mathematical theories, hypotheses, and derivations possible. Learn more about the geometric, probabilistic, and other methods of definitions and derivations. Once you have completed analyzing all the essential mathematical aspects, it’s time to move ahead to work on the coding and Programming sessions.

The next step is to try to implement the entire Logistic Regression function from scratch without the use of external libraries like scikit-learn. An example of the implementation of mathematical problems like matrix multiplication from scratch without utilizing any external libraries like numpy can be considered from one of my previous articles. The link is provided below.

Python Coding From Scratch: Matrix Multiplication Without Any Machine Learning Libraries!

Another important tip is whenever you are trying to research and learn more about a particular topic, try to grab all the possible resources that you can in your reach. Make it a point to dwell deep into these resources for gaining the best possible knowledge that is obtainable.

3. Develop Self-Confidence Solving Tasks

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Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

The best way to gain the ability of self-confidence in a field similar to Data Science is by working on numerous simple and complex problems. Your objective must be to put in 100% effort to complete them successfully. No matter how much motivation you have to learn the subject of Data Science, repeated failure and failed attempts at the computation of a particular task will lead to demotivation and, eventually, a lack of confidence.

To avoid this state of affairs, it becomes vital to take one task at a time into consideration and solve the particular task within the duration of the time period. Always start with a simple programming task or a simple Data Science project that you are confident you can solve.

If you are repeatedly failing at one particular problem, don’t waste your precious time with several unnecessary repetitions. It would probably be a better idea to move on and look ahead to the other questions that you can potentially solve without requiring any external guidance in that same time frame.

Also, if you are able to study, analyze, and research extensively on a particular topic, you will ultimately have more self-confidence while approaching the problem. The reason for this is because you have an intuitive understanding of the concepts, as well as a clear and in-depth understanding of solving the task at hand.

4. Spend Time Analyzing Complex Problem Statements

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

The first major step every Data Science enthusiast and aspirants should focus on is the time they spend on analyzing the given problem statement or project idea. The ultimate goal of utilizing your time to look at the orientation of the problem is to receive an idea and develop a framework for working on the problem.

The best thing to usually do before beginning your work on the problem statement or project idea is to ensure that you have a perfect plan set up in your mind or a book (a piece of paper works too) or a directory on your PC. Planning is an essential stage of working on Data Science projects. Hence, plan all the steps ahead of time to start your work efficiently.

My recommendation for spending your time analyzing the respective problem must usually be as follows in these particular order of steps:

  • Try to gain a visual perception and intuitive understanding of the problem statement that you plan to work on. Take time ranging from a few minutes to a few hours until you are confide5nt you have a basic understanding of how to approach the task.
  • Before starting to work on a project or a complex problem, look into some of the solutions or research papers along with the useful information that they provide. Kaggle solutions and notebooks are an amazing source to obtain more knowledge about your topic.
  • After the collection of numerous resources of information, make a perfect plan and schedule to decide your plan to approach the problem statement. Make a complete to-do list that will guide you on the right path until your objectives are successfully reached.

These essential steps will help you to analyze your project better. For a study plan to master Data Science in 12 months, I would highly recommend checking out the following article from the link provided below. It is a concise guide for beginners to get started.

12 Steps For Beginner To Pro In Data Science In 12 Months!

5. Work On Improving Specific Math And Programming Skills

Programming and mathematical skills play a significant role in mastering Data Science. While math is essential for developing an intuitive and theoretical understanding of various concepts pertaining to Data Science, programming is paramount for the respective practical implementations of these topics.

To gauge a deeper understanding of the necessities of these two domains, namely programming, and mathematics, let us look at each of these aspects individually and analyze them. To get started, I will look at the tips related to math for all levels of enthusiasts of Data Science to indulge and learn more about.

Mathematics is a vital part of Data Science. To perfectly harness the skill set required to master Data Science and machine learning, math is a standout lead. You need to focus mainly on the sub-fields of math like linear algebra, probability and statistics, and techniques of dimensionality reduction.

Linear algebra is essential for understanding numerous concepts of Data Science, especially a vital python library module like numpy. For gaining further intuition of numpy, you also need to understand theoretical concepts such as dot products, matrix related operations which can be computed by numpy arrays, and so much more.

Probability and statistics are also paramount to Data Science because the theoretical implementations of these domains are used in almost every single aspect of Data Science. These include a machine learning algorithm like Naive Bayes, where the concept of conditional probability is used, or in deep learning topics such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) as well.

Dimensionality reduction techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (TSNE) are also useful concepts of mathematics. They are used to reduce the complex dimensions from a large frame of view to a lesser dimension range. For example, these techniques can be used to convert the MNIST from the 784 dimensions to something lesser like 100 dimensions.

Programming is the best part of Data Science, which will pump life into your projects. Hence, focusing on coding will always remain an integral aspect of Data Science that you must master. To improve in programming, your primary focus for the field of Data Science as a beginner should remain mostly Python, and secondly on SQL.

You can learn other programming languages and improve your resume slowly after you build a more concise understanding of the subject of Data Science. The importance of SQL in Data Science and why it should be given a high preference is because it allows you to store large databases and sets of data information, which is crucial for Data Science projects.

For specifically gaining the ability to master Python for Data Science, I would highly recommend checking out the following article, which includes the ten steps to master Python for Data Science from scratch. It is a step-wise guide procedure, and the link is provided below.

10 Steps To Master Python For Data Science

6. Try Numerous Visualization Techniques

Image By Author
Image By Author

Data visualization plays an important role in the construction of Data Science projects. By looking at numerous visuals, we can determine some essential features and characteristics of the data or the datasets we have.

Exploratory Data Analysis is an essential aspect of Data Science that you should consider while working on any kind of task. When you visualize the data, you gain an intuitive understanding, and your brain can perceive the various notions of their working standards. You also get several ideas and feedback on how you can work on these datasets.

The main advantage of visualizations is that they give you a kickstart in exploring the best intuitive ideas for your Data Science projects. Apart from providing a basic background and workspace for the project in development, they also are useful in the long-term integration and improvement of your projects.

These visualizations are useful for other viewers of your theoretical work to understanding your precise ideas and determine a clear notion for your approach towards solving the particular task. It helps you to easily explain to others your point of view on the specific project that you are working on at that moment.

Visualizations for any Data Science project can be an absolute game-changer. I will ensure that I cover this topic in more detail in my very next article, as Data Visualization is a massive topic that cannot be covered in this post. Stay tuned for my upcoming article, where I will discuss the eight best visualization techniques and how you can utilize them in your Data Science projects.

7. Dedication And Persistence

It is not always easy to work with data and accomplish Data Science projects successfully. There are multiple scenarios where you might encounter complex tasks that you will struggle to figure out the precise pattern or solution to solve.

Also, it could sometimes become extremely frustrating for Data Science enthusiasts to know a particular concept but not land on the answers precisely. Despite your understanding of the topic, you can sometimes not solve the question, and it happens to the best of us.

During these frustrating times, it seems like the best alternative is to give up on Data Science and move on with better things in life. However, here is where dedication and persistence come into the picture. While Data Science can be frustrating and certain tasks might seem annoying to deal with and solve, it isn’t the end of the world.

The most satisfactory moments in Data Science come when you can solve these complicated questions with your pure skills and efforts. It also gives you a boost of adrenaline rush and self-confidence when you can keep your spirits high and accomplish the objective.

One of the most essential characteristics of successful data scientists is their ability to persist and continuously work hard till their goals are reached. While it is easy to lose hope, they continue to push harder and reach the optimal solution. Although, the procedure may consume some time.

Data Science requires some elements of patience and time dedicated towards a particular task. Especially in the field of deep learning, when you are constructing a specific model architecture, there are so many different parameters that you will need to consider.

Defining the model architecture with numerous layers for your particular task, along with selecting the appropriate activation functions and optimizers, consume some time. And honestly, involve a lot of hit and trial and methodology to receive the best possible outcomes and optimal solutions.

Hence, it is significant to maintain your composure and stay dedicated until your goal is reached and accomplished. I would highly recommend checking out the following article on the Top 5 qualities of successful data scientists from the link provided below.

Top 5 Qualities of Successful Data Scientists!

8. Ask For Help When Required

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

While I have stressed that spending time and continue working on the Data Science project until you have received an optimal solution, it is not evident that you will always receive the results that you were expecting. And guess what? – That’s completely fine.

When working out on Data Science, you are not meant to be a perfectionist, and honestly, nobody is perfect at it. As a data scientist, evolution is a compulsory requirement. At some point, everyone might get stuck and require assistance as well as guidance on how to approach problem statements or any other doubts.

When such a time arises, do not hesitate to ask for help from more experienced aspirants, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals. The Data Science community and Python community are filled with awesome and amazing people who are always willing to help.

Apart from websites like Stack Overflow and GitHub, which are extremely useful and provide some of the best solutions to most of the issues that are encountered by data scientists or Data Science enthusiasts, servers like discord chats and slack chats.

There are tons of free content available out there on the internet to explore and check out numerous details and features about Data Science and machine learning. Check out one of my previous articles on this topic to learn more about some of the potential resources that you can exploit information from and gain further knowledge.

10 Best Free Websites To Learn More About Data Science And Machine Learning!

You can also check out some free or paid courses according to your comfort levels. If you are one hundred percent confident about pursuing Data Science, and you feel like you need some external help or resources, make sure you do evident research on this subject. After these steps, you can proceed to choose the best suitable options that you feel will benefit your needs and requirements in the long-term.

Either way, as long as you are able to find help from a friend, expert, or your teachers, ensure that you can gain the equivalent knowledge required for you to at the very least complete the particular task, question, or project you are working on at the time of acquiring help. It is also a good idea to work in small groups or as a pair because you can share and impart useful information with each other and everyone can benefit enormously.

9. Read Research Papers

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

Read research papers, lots of them!

In the subject of Data Science, with continuous progression and constant advancements, talented people and data scientists come up with innovative works and publish them as research papers. These research papers must be closely viewed up and practiced accordingly. If you are a blossoming data scientist, I would highly recommend checking out the weekly research papers that are released.

While checking out and reading research papers should be the first step to gain further knowledge, it is by no means enough. If you come across a research paper with modeling architectures and a thorough explanation of how a particular construction was built, you should explore these concepts on your own.

If the particular project or work that you come across in the research paper is feasible and compatible with your device, it is always a great idea to start exploring the architectural build and start constructing it on your own. If you are able to implement these structures and models, that will boost your overall confidence as well as help you in learning and grasping the topic covered in the research paper more effectively and efficiently.

Apart from gaining a piece of in-depth knowledge on the particular topic published in the research paper, it also allows the readers and practitioners to explore the new technology and stay updated with all the modern emerging trends. Change is a constant in Data Science. If you are able to adapt to these constant changes in the field of Data Science, you can accomplish almost any complex task or complicated project that you are trying to perform.

10. Take Breaks

Don’t stress your mind or exhaust your body!

Data Science can sometimes be hard and stressful. You might work on a problem for several hours, follow all of the steps previously mentioned, work as hard as you can, but still fail to achieve the desired result that you were hoping to achieve. It is so easy to get stuck while working on a project idea or any general question in Data Science, no matter how easy or hard the particular problem you are encountering turns out to be.

A good idea for every data scientist or Data Science enthusiast would be to take breaks at regular intervals. An essential aspect of life to remember in general is to not work hard but to work smart. While working hard will pay off in due time, the previous statement holds true for Data Science more than anything else. The reasoning for this comment is because Data Science is a vast subject, and there is so much out there to learn about the numerous topics present in this field.

However, one must note that it is not a mandatory requirement to learn every single aspect of this field. By focusing on the essential topics of Data Science and focusing on specific concepts required for fulfilling the purposes of your project should suffice. There is no harm in learning more or being interested in gaining further knowledge on a variety of concepts, but don’t waste your time getting stuck in unnecessary problems while exploring the problems.

I would highly recommend checking out one of my previous articles that goes slightly in-depth about the main topics you must focus on to master the subject of Data Science as fast as possible. You can access the following article from the link provided below.

Best Topics To Focus On To Master Data Science As Fast As Possible

Sometimes, when you are working on a specific question, task, or project in Data Science, it is completely fine for you to take multiple short breaks unless you don’t get distracted from your primary objective. It is also completely okay to take a break from a particular task if you are failing multiple times while solving the problem.

Even with multiple attempts and after receiving some additional external help, if you are not able to solve the particular task, focus on some recreational activities or hobbies. Don’t stress or break your head too much on your failed attempts. You have discovered many ways to not solve the problem and have also learned a lot through your unsuccessful attempts. Hence, stay optimistic and take breaks when your body and mind deem it necessary.

11. Stay Updated

Revise and revisit your work!

The best part about Data Science is the continuous evolution of the subject that it faces through each passing day. New discoveries are made each day in Data Science. One technology that is currently prevalent in the field of Data Science may not be that efficient in the upcoming days, weeks, or months. The advancements and progressions of the methodologies are rapidly increasing with each passing day.

An example of the rapid progression of technology can be understood by the steep growth in the curve of one of the most fabulous neural network techniques in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). From its initial framework design in 2014 by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues, these networks have come a long way and have evolved continuously over the past few years. From creating and replicating simplistic designs, they can now create fully updated graphical structures. These are so brilliant that they have created a new revolution in the world of Data Science and deep learning.

With these continuous advancements that are happening with Data Science, it is essential for every enthusiast to keep learning more and stay updated with the latest trends. Without staying up to date with the newer trends, it becomes harder for data scientists to develop the best quality products that the customers or users would like to yield. As discussed previously, research papers are a great way to stay up to date with the latest emerging trends in technology and Data Science.

Apart from research papers, reading articles and news on the developments and other emerging technologies in Data Science is a fantastic way to start keeping your knowledge updated. Studying keenly on the advancements will help you to keep yourself intact with the tides and nature of the wind in which the progressions in Data Science are taking place. Hence, continue to keep practicing and reading and keeping yourself updated to stay relevant and rise to dominance as a Data Science enthusiast.

12. Understand The Purpose Of Your Codes

Photo by Radowan Nakif Rehan on Unsplash
Photo by Radowan Nakif Rehan on Unsplash

While working on Data Science projects or any other programming project, it is essential for the developers to know the purpose of their codes. Without the basic knowledge of the reasoning behind your codes, it becomes impossible for you to grasp concepts, and more importantly, manipulate the code or code block that you have recently encountered. Coding blindly without and not understanding the significance of the code blocks can prove to be detrimental in your overall Data Science journey.

We live in a world and place where the internet is able to provide us with any required solution that we are looking for. While the availability of information and data is naturally beneficial for all of us and needs to be utilized, it is essential for the Data Science enthusiast to dwell into understanding the basics and reasoning behind the code block they encounter. Specific programming projects will require small modifications of the code to work perfectly for that particular task.

Dedicate some amount of your time to know the necessity of the library modules you are studying and analyze these concepts and code blocks by yourself. For example, the scikit-learn library has so many functionalities and operations. Make sure you look at each individual component and try to understand the purpose of those code blocks. Also, it is a good idea to learn more about each individual parameter as they could be necessary for your developmental projects.

13. Try Various Architectures, Models, Optimizers, etc.

If you complete build the model structure for your specific Data Science project, it is no time to relax! There is so much more you can achieve with these models. Since you have cracked the case on how to solve the particular task or project, it is the best time for you to start exploring numerous options that are available to you for the construction of your model.

Speaking, in terms of deep learning, we have the availability of three main architectures, namely Sequential, Functional API, and model sub classing (or custom model) structures. Once you have completed your entire building architecture, if you plan to enter competitions like Kaggle and want to produce the best quality model, it is recommended that you try out these architectural structures to achieve the best possible results.

Whether you are building a machine learning model or deep learning model, it is always a great idea for you to start exploring the numerous options that are available to you while constructing the code blocks. For example, a particular transfer learning model like the VGG-16 architecture might perform better than other transfer learning models like the Inception architecture. For a better task, it might be better to use LSTMs than CNNs. Analyzing these factors is extremely important for a data scientist.

The final point is the activation functions and optimizers that you use to solve the particular problems. While ReLU is usually deemed as the best activation function and Adam is the preferred optimizer for performing most tasks, it is always a good idea to explore other activation functions and optimizers to see which one produces the best results for the particular task. Below is an article explaining the ReLU activation function in around five minutes. Please check it out if you want to learn more on this topic.

Understanding ReLU: The Most Popular Activation Function in 5 Minutes!

14. Just Explore And Have Fun

Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash
Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

The main purpose of picking up Data Science and working on numerous projects at the end of the day is to have fun. While exploring these concepts, topics, and projects, make sure you are enjoying the work you are trying to complete. When you are fascinated with the numerous amazing elements of Data Science, the chances of you liking the subject are higher. And hence, the overall rate of results and success in accomplishing your tasks also increases.

Motivation is a major factor to be a successful data scientist. With the increasing challenges and difficulties in the subject of Data Science, you need to stay motivated and confident to tackle these problems and find continuous solutions to these issues. The driving force of motivation only remains intact if you are truly passionate and interested in your respective working field, in this case, Data Science.

Motivation and interest are two factors that only remain in a subject when you are having fun exploring the numerous concepts and learning something new each day. While it is common to be stuck and encounter difficult situations, as long as you are having fun, you will continue to express yourself and push yourself even harder until all your respective goals and primary objectives are accomplished. So, just enjoy Data Science and feel free to try out any project, algorithm, or model architecture that will bring satisfaction and happiness to you.

15. Keep Up The Practice!

Photo by Scandinavian Backlash on Unsplash
Photo by Scandinavian Backlash on Unsplash

The practice is an essential aspect of achieving success. Especially as a data scientist or a Data Science enthusiast, your primary objective must be to attain the best possible results and keep working hard and smart at the same time. Practicing on a regular basis will allow the developer to stay accustomed to the different patterns of Data Science and will help them to blossom into a more unique and perfect data scientist.

I consider it significantly important for a Data Science developer to keep revisiting and revising their concepts and numerous topics in the field of Data Science. While it is equally important to stay updated with the subject of Data Science, it is also equally essential for data scientists to keep up their pace of practice. You don’t want to forget or not remember a significant topic when the requirement deems it necessary.

Mathematical concepts and other topics of Data science can be looked up once a month or once a week, but I would highly recommend making coding and programming practice of your daily life. Check out the article below, where I have covered the five reasons that every data scientist must consider, including the aspects of coding in their daily life to achieve the best possible results and become more successful.

5 Reasons Why You Should Code Daily As A Data Scientist

During your practice sessions, you do not need to work extremely hard, as people usually suggest. Just practice smartly and continue to do your other tasks as effectively as you can. You don’t need to re-write and re-analyze every single concept or topic from scratch over and over again. A quick glance at the topics you want to revisit again should suffice. Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that keep practicing and give it your very best. You will achieve whatever you want!


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

"There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed."

Data Science is a wonderful subject. If you are keenly interested in learning the numerous aspects of Data Science and want to continue to explore the beauty of this field, try to have as much fun as you possibly can. If a concept fascinates you, then appreciate the spectacular nature of the particular topic and enjoy learning it. As you keep making progress in the field of Data Science, you are bound to achieve the best possible results, and eventually, you will blossom into a successful data scientist.

In this article, we discussed in detail the fifteen tips that will make every Data Science enthusiast more successful in developing new skills and achieving a winner’s mindset both mentally and theoretically. Keep working on developing your habits and skills. The main objective of all the points discussed in this article is to be able to provide a solid foundation and lead no points of confusion while trying to achieve your Data Science dream.

I am sure these tips will be able to help most of the viewers who stumbled upon this article. Do let me know if you found this article useful, and also feel free to comment on any other points that I might have skipped or forgotten about in your opinion. Every single individual prospect can overcome obstacles in their life and orient their goals and path to achieve success.

If you have any queries related to the various points stated in this article, then feel free to let me know in the comments below. I will try to get back to you with a response as soon as possible.

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Thank you all for sticking on till the end. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this article. I wish you all have a wonderful day ahead!

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