The world’s leading publication for data science, AI, and ML professionals.

12 Steps For Beginner To Pro In Data Science In 12 Months!

Follow one step each month to master Data Science by the end of the next year!

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

So, you are a Data Science enthusiast and want to master the subject within the year? – Yes, its possible!

Luckily, You can actually achieve this goal of mastering Data Science by the end of the year with a bit of planning and dedication!

Data Science is a wonderful field of study, and something everyone who is interested in it should explore. However, there are continuous progressions and advancements in this field, and you need to consistently update yourself to stay in touch with the subject.

In this article, I have the plan divided into three separate blocks so that there is something for everyone, ranging from beginner aspirants of data science to intermediate learners to advanced-level requirements.

Each step referred to in this article will be a concise guide to what you should try to learn and achieve within the particular month. Step one would refer to the Month of January, Step two for February, and so on.

The first four months will be especially aimed at beginners of Data Science. It is targeted at people who have read about Data Science with interest or have developed a passion for the subject. They can follow the step by step guide for the first four months to become accustomed to the field. It will also be a good checkpoint to understand if you truly like the subject and want to go ahead with all the wonderful things to come ahead!

The next four months will be the second part of the plan, which is aimed at intermediate-level programmers and for those who have successfully managed to complete the beginner-level session of the plan. In this section, we will be dwelling slightly more deep into the spectacular field of data science and understand various essentials for the subject.

The final four months will prepare you to build your portfolios and resumes. It will be the culmination of the months of effort that will finally come to fruition. We will aim to focus on putting all the learning we have done into a real-life application to create something absolutely fantastic for you to show off in your resume for a future job or further studies!

Before we dive straight into the curriculum and plan to follow to master data science, let us understand some basic concepts and also who should consider implementing these strategies.

What is Data Science?

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining, machine learning, and big data.

Data science is a concept to unify statistics, data analysis and their related methods in order to understand and analyze actual phenomena with data. It uses techniques and theories drawn from many fields within the context of mathematics, statistics, computer science, domain knowledge and information science.

Turing award winner Jim Gray imagined data science as a "fourth paradigm" of science (empirical, theoretical, computational and now data-driven) and asserted that "everything about science is changing because of the impact of information technology" and the data deluge.

Why Data Science?

Data Science is a wonderful field of study that is turning out to be an evolutionary aspect of the modern generation. There is a humungous market for skilled data scientists, and Data Science has even been termed as the sexiest job of the 21st Century. Most companies ranging from smaller start-ups to tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, etc., are investing their valuable time and precious resources for developing advanced high-quality projects.

The reason stated above might be sufficient for most readers, but there are a ton more reasons you should take up data science. There are so many fabulous projects and ideas being innovated in short intervals of time. Data is an extremely valuable resource in the market and all of you reading this article have the potential to build new technologies that could change the entire world and the society we live in.

Everyone should be excited about what the future of Data Science holds for us with the continuous rapid developments and evolutions taking place in the world currently. I would highly encourage anyone with even a slight interest and passion for this subject to give it a try and see how it works out for you!

Finally, this leads us to the next and final part of this section on who should read this article.

Who should read this article?

Short answer – Absolutely anyone with an interest in Data Science!

However, touching more briefly into this matter, anyone from beginner to an expert can read and learn something from this article. But the quintessential part is you need to actually love the subject of Data Science.

Passion and love for the subject of Data Science is an absolute necessity. Sometimes Data Science can be quite hard, and it goes without saying that if you are not passionate and lack the overall desire for data science, then you should probably consider another field. The reason for this is because if you don’t actually like the subject, you are in for a rough and stressful time.

Creative, critical, and analytical thinking are some of the most intriguing characteristics of a data scientist. The ability to think outside the box and implement innovative ideas is a necessary and requirement for a successful data scientist to perform. These attributes are some of the key aspects of performing outstandingly on an industry level.

However, a more important quality that I have observed in successful data scientists who are pioneers in their areas of study is the continuous need for self-improvement and a student of the subject for their entire life. Most data scientists are humble who have a purpose for learning and sharing their extreme knowledge with society and other data science enthusiasts.

You need to have a constant drive and sheer passion for data science to last longer in this field and have a long and bright future with this spectacular subject. If you want to know my opinion on what are the ten wrong reasons to become a data scientist, please feel free to check out one of my recent articles from the link provided below.

10 Wrong Reasons To Become A Data Scientist

The 12 Ultimate Steps to Follow over the course of the year –


1. Learning Programming

Programming is the heart of Data Science. It is essential to have some knowledge of programming to succeed as a data scientist.

Coding and programming knowledge is almost a compulsory requirement to have an in-depth understanding of the field of data science. Even if you lack the coding or programming skills, but you have to interest to learn and pursue these techniques, then this should not be a major concern.

In my opinion, the two main languages you should know to do well in the field of Data Science in Python and SQL. The reason I have suggested these two languages is because Python is a fantastic starting choice for most beginner-level programmers, even for people with no coding experience. Hence, it is probably the best starting point because of its simplicity.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). It is particularly useful in handling structured data, i.e. data incorporating relations among entities and variables.

SQL will play a great role in analyzing the various data that you will gather while working in Data Science. It will help you to create systematic arrangements to solve complex data related queries. It also helps you to maintain and manage the huge amount of data that you will eventually be dealing with.

I have spoken about Python in most of my articles and have immensely praised its versatility and simplicity in the field of data science. I will make sure I write an article covering the complete beginners guide to Python next year to help you all in understanding some basic concepts better. You can check out the bonus section for more information related to Python.


This Section will involve parts that I have discussed previously in my other articles. However, it is extremely beneficial for beginners, and would recommend giving it a read for the new viewers. If you already read this, feel free to skip ahead to the next step.

Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language that was released way back in 1991. Python is highly interpretable and efficient. Python is versatile, and thanks to its resourcefulness, it is a suitable fit for Data Science. I initially started with languages like C, C++, and Java. When I finally encountered Python, I found it to be quite elegant, simple to learn, and easy to use.

Python is the best way for anyone, even people with no prior experience with programming or coding languages, to get started with machine learning. Despite having some flaws, like being considered a "slow" language, Python is still one of the best languages for AI and machine learning. Although there are a variety of other languages such as Julia, Golang, etc., which might be quite competitive against Python in the future years, the latter remains the better choice at this point.

The main reasons for the popularity of Python for Data Science despite other languages like R is as follows –

  1. As mentioned previously, Python is a simple language and is overall consistent.
  2. The rapid increase in popularity in comparison to other programming languages makes it a suitable pick for beginner-level programmers.
  3. Has extensive resources concerning a wide range of libraries and frameworks for supporting Data Science.
  4. Versatility and platform independence, which means Python can import essential modules built in other programming languages as well.
  5. It has a great community with continuous updates. The Python community, in general, is filled with amazing people, with constant updates made to improve Python.

To get started with Python, you can download it from here.

Understanding the basics of the Python programming language is undoubtedly the most important aspect to master Python. There are many key concepts like keywords and identifiers, variables, iterative statements like "for" loop, "while" loop, the comment lines, control statements, and so much more. We will cover all this extensively in a future article!

2. Understand Math

If programming is the heart of Data Science, then Math is the brain!

Mathematics, I find, is one of those subjects you either learn to love or end up loving to hate. Some find math as an amazing subject while others find all these number’s thing kind of boring. It does not matter which side of the spectrum you are on because math is, fortunately, or unfortunately, one of the most fundamental requirements for machine learning and data science.

Mathematics is an essential requirement for data science. Linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics are the most significant concepts that you need to know in order to conquer all the mathematical aspects of data science.

A high school understanding of the basics of these concepts would suffice for a beginner to enter into the universe of data science. However, if you are not too confident with these concepts or need a brief brushing, then I would highly recommend checking out reading some articles on TDS because they explain most concepts with simplicity and ease. YouTube videos are also a great alternative option to learn these concepts.

Mathematics is required for building predictive machine learning models, understanding probabilistic and deterministic approaches to solving Bayesian and other similar problems, understanding backpropagation in deep neural networks, analyzing gradient descent, and so much more.

If you are interested in learning mathematics from scratch, below are some references that you might useful.

Useful Resources To Consider:

1. Khan Academy: Best place for you to start off with learning basic mathematical concepts like linear algebra, calculus, and probability and statistics. 2. 3Blue1Brown: One of the best YouTube channels to check out some brilliant in-depth explanations and intuitively understand concepts much better.3. Books: If you are more into reading books, then do a quick Google search to check out some outstanding resources for the best books to learn Mathematics. You should prefer separate books for each specific topic for better practice.

3. Intuitive Understanding Of Basic Concepts

Develop an intuition of the concepts. Don’t mug up!

The subject of Data Science is a humongous field, and there are tons of theoretical aspects to be understood by beginners of the field. It is completely alright to take your time studying the concepts by developing a strong intuitive as well as a practical understanding.

Since you are now in the third step, you will probably have a decent understanding of the Python programming language and the math required for machine learning. Try to implement various math concepts such as Euclidian distance and similar concepts in Python from scratch without utilizing any machine learning libraries.

Even if it is just a simple Machine learning algorithm, I would highly recommend not to use the scikit-learn library or similar helpful tools for easier implementations. Instead, try to detect the best possibilities and execute them from scratch on your own. This helps to improve skills and gain an overall better understanding of these concepts.

I would highly encourage the viewers to check out one of my previous articles, where I have implemented the matrix multiplication from scratch without using any machine learning algorithms.

You can do this from the link provided below. Performing such tasks will help you to gauge a better understanding of the various concepts and appreciate the quality of the libraries that we will study in the next step.

Python Coding From Scratch: Matrix Multiplication Without Any Machine Learning Libraries!

4. Dwelling Into The Various Libraries

The best part about learning the Python programming language is the assistance of a variety of useful and fabulous libraries that this language offers us. The installations of most of these libraries are simple and efficient. They are productive and enables the Data Science enthusiasts to complete complex tasks within a few lines of code. (This can be noticed from the article that I had previously suggested.)

Python offers a wide range of library modules and frameworks, making it one of the most compatible languages for constructing machine learning models and working on data science projects. The most commonly used python modules include numpy for numerical operations, scipy for scientific operations for dealing with something like sparse matrices, pandas to view the datasets in an organized manner, matplotlib and seaborn to visualize the data, analysis, and graphs of models constructed.

You can also utilize the scikit-learn module in python for the development of machine learning models through the various algorithms options available in the sklearn library. Also, you construct deep learning models by making use of frameworks such as TensorFlow and Pytorch. The next mini-section involves a bonus section that will cover five of the more popular and useful data science libraries that a beginner must know about.


This Section will involve parts that I have discussed previously in my other articles. However, it is extremely beneficial for beginners, and would recommend giving it a read for the new viewers. If you already read this, feel free to skip ahead to the next step.

In this part, we will discuss five of these significant library modules that are used in python for solving Data Science tasks. There are tons of frameworks available in python, but these five mentioned in this section of the article will cover the basic requirements to get started.

1. Pandas –

The Pandas module is an open-source library in python to create data frames, which is extremely useful for organizing the data. Pandas is used extensively in the field of data science, machine learning, and deep learning for the structured arrangement of the data.

The data frame created in pandas is a 2-dimensional representation of the data. After importing the Pandas library as pd, you can visualize the tabular data of your liking. An example of this is as shown below:

Overall, the Pandas module is a fantastic library for systematic viewing of the data, and it also allows a wide variety of operations that can be performed.

2. Matplotlib –

The Matplotlib module is one of the best tools for the visualization of the data frames or any other form of data. Matplotlib is used to visualize the data for exploratory data analysis in data science. It is extremely useful to understand the kind of data we are dealing with and to determine what is the next action that must be performed.

The library offers an extensive variety of visualization functions such as scatter plot, bar plot, histograms, pie chart, and many other similar functions. Import matplotlib.pyplot module as plt for performing visualization tasks using matplotlib. An example of these can be seen below –

Scatter Plot
Scatter Plot
Bar Graph
Bar Graph

The scatter plots and bar graph plotted using matplotlib is shown in the figures. An advantage of the module is that it is very simple to use and efficient at providing visualizations. It can also be combined with the seaborn library for a more visual and aesthetic appeal.

3. NumPy –

The NumPy library stands for Numerical Python. The numpy library is one of the best options for performing computations on matrix operations. It supports multi-dimensional arrays. An extensive amount of mathematical and logical operations can be performed on arrays. By converting lists into numpy arrays, we can perform computations like addition, subtraction, dot product, among many others.

The use cases of numpy are applicable in both computer vision and natural language processing projects. In computer vision, you can use numpy arrays for visualizing the RGB or grayscale images in a numpy array and converting them accordingly. In natural language processing projects, you usually prefer to convert the text data into the form of vectors and numbers for optimized computation. Import numpy as np, and you can convert the text data into categorical data, as shown below:

4. Scikit-learn –

The scikit-learn module is one of the best tools for machine learning and predictive data analysis. It offers a wide range of pre-built algorithms such as logistic regression, support vector machines (SVM’s), classification algorithms like K-means clustering, and a ton more operations. This is the best way for beginners to get started with machine learning algorithms because of the simple and efficient tools that this module grants access to.

It is open-source and commercially usable while granting accessibility to almost anyone. It is reusable and supported by libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. import the sklearn module to run the scikit-learn code. Below is a code example for splitting the dataset we have into the form of train and test or validation data. This is useful for training and evaluation of the models.

5. NLTK –

The NLTK library stands for the natural language toolkit platform, which is one of the best libraries for machine learning of natural language processing data. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of AI that helps computers to understand, interpret, and manipulate human language.

The NLTK library is very well suited for linguistic-based tasks. It offers a wide range of options for tasks such as classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning. It allows the user to chunk the data into entities that can be grouped together to produce a more organized meaning. The library can be imported as nltk, and below is an example code for the tokenization of a sentence.


5. Learn EDA And Algorithms

Visualizations are a significant aspect of any data science project.

In statistics, exploratory data analysis is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with visual methods. A statistical model can be used or not, but primarily EDA is for seeing what the data can tell us beyond the formal modeling or hypothesis testing task.

The role of exploratory data analysis in the field of data science and machine learning projects is to be able to get a detailed understanding of the data at hand. Studying the data at hand provides great insight into the various possibilities and options to solve a complicated task.

Exploratory data analysis offers many plots and varieties to visualize and analyze the data available. It provides a brief understanding and idea of how to proceed further. Matplotlib.pyplot and seaborn are the two best library modules for visualization and performing exploratory data analysis tasks.

Machine learning (ML) is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. It is seen as a subset of Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as "training data", in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision, where it is difficult or unfeasible to develop conventional algorithms to perform the needed tasks. Let us analyze and understand this concept better with a few examples that are provided below.


1. E-mail spam detection: Classification Algorithms are used for email spam detection. The various machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes, support vector machines, K-nearest neighbors, and random forests among many other algorithms can be used for filtering spam messages and classifying if the received email is a spam or not. Advanced spam detection can be performed using techniques like neural networks or optical character recognition (OCR) which is also used by companies like Gmail for spam filtering.

2. Friend Suggestions: Clustering Algorithms are typically used for friend suggestions. These algorithms range from K-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and density based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN).

6. Practice, Revisit, And Revise

Sometimes you need to just take a break! So practice, revisit, and revise all the essential concepts you have studied in the past five months!

In this step, make sure you use this month to recall everything you have learnt. Revisit the essential concepts while exploring other important topics. It is significant to take a break to prevent mental exhaustion and so that you can continue your hard work for the remaining six months. Make the best use of this time to visit more practical industry related aspects to engross yourself about the various upcoming innovations in the near future.

Data Science is not a stagnant field. It is a rapidly progressing and continuously developing field. Every other day a new technology or trends is introduced to the world of data science, and every top-notch data scientist needs to stay updated with these latest emerging developments.

The best part about Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is the continuous evolution of these subjects each day. The improvements in technologies are rapidly increasing. Hence, It becomes significantly more important to stay updated on the latest trends and emerging developments that occur in the field of data science.

Consistently learning and reading research papers is something most data scientists do on a daily or weekly basis. There is no surprise that this requirement is compulsory. Revise your concepts and constantly update yourself.

To conclude this step, make sure you make notes or develop some kind of method so that it can be easier for you to revisit topics that you might be stuck or confused about in the future. Relax, revisit, revise, and practice should to the key to success in this month!

7. Analyze And Explore

Analyzing and Exploring is quintessential for any Data Science project.

The most important step to any Machine Learning or data science project is to make sure you have one problem statement in your mind. Then analyze and explore continuously with regards to the same.

The internet is a wonderful place, and websites like Stack overflow, Data stack exchange, and GitHub, are some of the most popular sites to receive in-depth solutions and answers to the problems or errors that you are encountering with the running or installation of your program or the respective code blocks.

The most interesting part of data science projects to me is building machine learning or deep learning models and making sure they work perfectly and feel good about it. Then, deploy those models built once they are meeting the appropriate requirements.

However, a large part of Data Science is actually dealing with the data at hand. Most of the data available naturally on the web is not clean. A lot of cleansing and pre-processing must be done for the extraction of useful data.

Most complex tasks require critical analysis and computational processing to obtain desirable outcomes. Persistence is extremely important in every scenario especially in the field of data science.

It becomes significant to analyze, explore, and find better solutions to the various problems that occur. Communication with other people and experts while sharing ideas is a great way to learn more. Also, talking to people is extremely helpful to share your views, as well as gain knowledge.

By talking to more people, you develop better ideas and most importantly interactivity, which will be very useful while working in a company with a team on data science projects. Every model you construct and every project you complete in data science has a lot of room for improvement. It is always a good practice to consider alternatives and various other methods or improvements that you can make to achieve better results.

I would highly recommend checking out one of my article based on 10 Awesome Real-World Applications Of Data Science And Artificial Intelligence where we Understand and analyze the day to day use of AI and Data Science in the real world. This will help all of you to understand the spectacular possibilities of the varieties of innovations in the field of Data Science.

10 Awesome Real-World Applications Of Data Science And AI

8. Work On Smaller Projects

Select your problem statement that you feel is a small step above your skill level. If your just a beginner starting out your data science journey, then pick a slightly complex beginner-level project. Let us say something like a simple linear regression project should also suffice on a complex dataset should suffice.

To appreciate the true beauty of data science, you need to try out lots of projects. The tasks that can be achieved and the problems you can solve are absolutely fantastic. Theoretically understanding the intuition of machine learning concepts and math behind these concepts of data science is crucial.

However, you also need to know how you can implement the following projects in a real-life practical scenario. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty with some code and implement these projects on your own.

An example of this can be any machine learning or deep learning concept. Let us consider an example of a multilayer perceptron or backpropagation of a neural network. You probably know how these concepts work mathematically and theoretically.

That is awesome! But is equally essential to implement these practically and achieve the solution for such tasks with your executions. This helps you to improve as well as help you to crack interviews.

If you have already completed some basic beginner-level projects, then aiming to shoot a bit higher for some intermediate-level projects should be a good idea. Understand your skills and keep working on improving them. Please work on one project at a time. Make sure you have done extensive research on the project you choose to take up and don’t overwhelm yourself.

At the same time, don’t quit right after starting the project. Just remember that nobody, absolutely nobody gets everything on their first try. So don’t give up and persevere until you finish your machine learning or data science projects.

I will be updating my list for the best python and data science projects for 2021 and beyond very soon. I plan to release the article in the first week of January next year. Stay tuned for the best project ideas for you to work on and build an awesome portfolio!


9. Research

Do detailed research of a field of study you are interested in, and you can utilize the power of Data Science to simplify, assist, or aid you in completing the particular task at hand.

Researching is an integral part of any Data Science Project. It is crucial to have some knowledge or at least a brief idea of what are expansions occurring in the AI field. Researching on a project or any particular task or even just a simple data science terminology is enormously essential. Hence, research and critical thinking are one of the few ways you can transform your skills to a whole different level.

I would highly recommend watching lots of YouTube videos from quality data science, AI, math, or programming channels. Reading books and most importantly, research papers are necessary for absolute knowledge and understanding of any specific topic or aspect of data science.

Have a detailed understanding of any topic you plan to build a project on. Make sure you read many research papers related to the specific project and try to learn more about the topic. Watch YouTube videos, read published high-quality journals and articles, try out experimentations of your own, and just keep the curiosity high!

It is essential that you make sure you have a clue of what you are getting yourself into before working on your end to end project. Put most of your efforts into researching a topic and every single aspect related to that topic. It will simplify your work and help you establish your implementations much faster and efficiently.

10. Building an End to End Project

Let us cover a complete quick step by step guide to building your end to end project!

Researching is the first step for the completion of any successful and innovative data science project. We have covered this point in great detail in the previous step. You need to have a fantastic research background to consistently put up great projects that are built from scratch.

Now that we have a clear image of the project ideas to implement, it is essential to formulate your strategy and plan accordingly. Now that we have a clear image of the project ideas to implement, it is essential to formulate your strategy and plan accordingly.

The next step after analyzing your plan is to collect some data so that you can start the implementation of your data science or machine learning project. Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established system, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes.

Once you have collected enough data, make sure you analyze this with the help of exploratory data analysis and decide the best machine learning algorithm that you can utilize to solve the required complex task at hand.

It is okay to try out various possibilities and methods until you reach the best possible solution for the complex problem. This point is covered in detail in the fifth step. Just make sure you pre-process your data before the actual implementation of the machine learning algorithms.

Once you have successfully completed building your model, this is an optional step if you want to keep it with yourself or deploy it so that you can target a wider audience. The methods of deployment vary from deploying it as an application that can be transferred across, or by using the AWS cloud platform provided by amazon for deployment, or by making use of an embedded system.

11. Take Part In Competitions

Participate in various competitions because Winning or Losing is secondary!

Try to actively participate in competitions on websites. Kaggle is one such site that hosts some of the best data science, related competitions. Don’t worry about which place you finish. It does not matter much as long as you learn something new.

As discussed earlier, there are a lot of websites to improve your coding as well as participate in competitions like HackerRank, which you should consider. Involving in the community is helpful to consistently learn more from fellow data science enthusiasts.

Stack Overflow, discord channels, YouTube videos, free online code camps, GitHub, towards data science, etc. are all helpful resources that are available for all of us to utilize and improve our skills.

It does not matter what place you finish on the leaderboards in these competitions. The most significant factor is to participate and have an awesome learning experience. It is only when you take part in these coding events, you will understand the expectations of companies from their data scientists.

From these competitions, you can gauge your level of standing and understand what you need to do differently to succeed on the path to self-improvement. You will also keep gaining consistent new knowledge while improving your skills and pushing yourself to the highest of skill-levels and your overall ceiling as a top candidate for interviews.

12. Keep Practicing

Practice is the ultimate key to Success!

Data Science can sometimes be difficult, especially for a beginner trying to get started. You look at the potential topics in this field, and it could intimidate quite a few people.

The interesting part about data science, similar to programming, is with each mistake you make, you learn something new and what you did wrong, provided you find a solution by looking it up on the internet or cracking it by yourself. This feeling makes the overall experience even more satisfactory.

Don’t worry if you are not able to solve a machine learning or data science problem on your first try. That is completely fine as long as you remain persistent, find a solution, and understand the concepts better.

Also, if it makes you feel better, even experts in this field make mistakes and have to look up stuff for solving certain questions. This field is probably one of the only ones where you don’t have to mug up a lot of things as you can use Google for things you forget.

The field of artificial intelligence and data science is humungous. There is so much out there to be curious about and explore. There are lots of mathematical functionalities, in-depth theory on multiple aspects of machine learning and deep learning.

Practice becomes significantly to keep yourself updated with all the latest trends and process the on-going techniques in this tremendous field. There is a lot of scope in every aspect with continuous developments. So, keep coding and keep working on practical implementations!

Every model you construct and every project you complete in data science has a lot of room for improvement. It is always a good practice to consider alternatives and various other methods or improvements that you can make to achieve better results.

So, Keep Practicing!


Photo by McKayla Crump on Unsplash
Photo by McKayla Crump on Unsplash

In this article, we had a detailed discussion of how you can utilize your time effectively for the entire next year by following each of the mentioned steps respectively in their required months. Within the span of an entire year, you would have conquered the outer shield of data science, and you will be projected into the actual beauty behind the subject.

If you are passionate and interested in the field of Data Science and are curious to explore the various segments and areas of study, I would highly recommend following most of the suggested tips in the article. The article aims to motivate and encourage readers to conquer the field of Data Science and achieve great heights of success!

If you have any queries related to any of the points suggested in this article, then feel free to let me know by commenting below. I will make sure I get back to you with a response as soon as possible. I wish you all good luck on your journey to Mastering Data Science!

Check out some of my other articles that you might enjoy reading!

Everything You Need To Know About Jupyter Notebooks!

7 Tips To Increase Your Productivity In Python

Understanding The Binary Search Algorithm In Python

10 Steps To Master Python For Data Science

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Thank you all for sticking on till the end. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this article. I wish you all have a wonderful day ahead!

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