SQL is a programming language that is used by most relational database management systems (RDBMS) to manage data stored in tabular form (i.e. tables).
SQL is a fundamental skill expected from a data scientist. You might argue that it is the job of a data engineer but the data scientist roles are inclined to be full-stack. Besides, as a data scientist, you wouldn’t want to depend on a data engineer to retrieve data from a database.
In this post, we will cover the most commonly used SQL statements with many examples.
There are many different RDBMSs that adapted SQL. The SQL syntax is pretty much the same for all with some small differences. I will be using MySQL.
The best way to learn SQL is through practice. You have different options to set up an environment to practice SQL.
If you have a computer with Linux or macOS, you can easily install MySQL server from the terminal:
$ sudo apt install mysql-server
We can then connect to the server using the following command:
$ sudo mysql -u root

We are now connected to the server.
1. Creating a database
A relational database consists of tables that relate to each other based on columns. Thus, in order to practice or work with SQL, we first need a database.
Let’s first check the databases in the server:

We can create a new one with CREATE DATABASE statement.
mysql> CREATE DATABASE medium;
We can delete a database with DROP DATABASE statement.
mysql> DROP DATABASE medium;
2. Create a table
Data is stored in tables so we need to create a table in the database. We first need to select a database with the USE statement.
mysql> USE medium;
We are now in the medium database. We will create a student table using the CREATE TABLE statement.
mysql> CREATE TABLE student(
-> Id int primary key,
-> Name varchar(20),
-> Major varchar(20),
-> registered char(1)
-> );
The student table consists of 4 columns. When we define a column, we specify the column name and data type. The data types are:
- Int: integer
- Decimal(M, N): Floating point number. M is total number of digits, N is the number of decimal digits.
- Varchar(N): String (text) of lenght N
- Blob: Binary large object
- Date: ‘YYYY-MM-DD’
- Timestamp: ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’
You may have noticed that we used the words "primary key" for the "Id" column. Primary key indicates that this column uniquely identifies each row. It is similar to the index of a pandas dataframe.
Let’s check if the student table was created successfully:

3. Deleting a table
It is very simple to delete a table. We use the DROP TABLE statement along with the table name:
mysql> DROP TABLE student;
4. Adding a new column
We can add a new column with the ALTER TABLE statement with ADD option.
mysql> ALTER TABLE student ADD gpa DECIMAL(3,2);
We provide the name of the column and data type.
5. Deleting a column
It is also done with the ALTER TABLE statement. We need to specify that we are dropping a column.
mysql> ALTER TABLE student DROP gpa;
6. Describe
DESCRIBE statement provides an overview of the table.
mysql> DESCRIBE student;

7. Insert into
We have created a table but it is empty. We can populate it by adding rows. The INSERT INTO statement adds new rows to a table.
mysql> INSERT INTO student VALUES(1, "John", "Finance", "F");
mysql> INSERT INTO student VALUES(2, "Emily", "Math", "F");
mysql> INSERT INTO student VALUES(3, "Ashley", "Finance", "S");
mysql> INSERT INTO student VALUES(4, "Max", "Chemistry", "S");
We specify the table name and the values. The values must be compatible with the pre-defined data types.
The student table now contains 4 rows:

8. Delete from
We can also delete rows from a table. The DELETE FROM statement is used to delete rows based on a condition.
If we do not specify a condition, all the rows are deleted.
mysql> DELETE FROM student; #will delete all rows
Let’s delete a row based on a value in the Id column:
mysql> DELETE FROM student WHERE Id = 4;
The condition is specified after the WHERE keyword.
9. Updating a row
We can also update the existing rows in a table. The following SQL statement will update the major of the student with Id 4.
mysql> UPDATE student SET major = "History" WHERE Id = 3;
We specify the update after the SET keyword. The condition comes after the WHERE keyword.
Here is the current version of our table:

10. Select row or rows
Select is the most frequently used SQL statement. We run queries to retrieve data from a database. The queries are specified with the SELECT statement.
We specify the columns we want to retrieve (or select):
mysql> SELECT Name, Major FROM student;

11. Select based on a condition
A table in a database is likely to contain lots of rows. Thus, it is not a good practice to select all rows in most cases. Besides, it makes the Data Analysis process easier to apply some filtering and conditions before we get the data.
For instance, we may only need to work on data of the students with finance major.
mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE Major = "Finance";
"*" indicates all columns. The above statement will return the rows in which the major is finance.
I wrote a separate article on the select statement if you’d like to see more advanced queries.
We have covered the basic SQL statements. If you are or plan to be a data scientist, you are likely to use the select statement much more than the other ones.
You will probably need to run more advanced queries but it is essential to cover the basics first. Just like any other subject, practice makes perfect. Thus, I suggest to create your own database and tables. You can then practice as much as you want.
Thank you for reading. Please let me know if you have any feedback.