Understanding Python imports, and pythonpath — once and for all

Learn how to import packages and modules (and the difference between the two)

Dr. Varshita Sher
Towards Data Science
12 min readOct 7, 2021


By the end of the tutorial, this is the directory structure (for the Medium_Imports_Tutorial project) that you would be comfortable working with — in terms of importing any script(s) from one subdirectory into another (arrows in blue).
Note: If you’d like to play along, here is the Github repo.

Directory structure for learning Python imports

Before we even begin, let’s understand the difference between a package and a module since we will be making a number of references to these throughout the article.

Module: A single python script.

Package: A collection of modules.

Let’s begin...

The directory structure in the image above looks a bit complex and I would not be asking for you to create it all at once.

In the essence of keeping things simple, let’s first create a single directory scripts within our project directory and add two modules to it — and

The idea is to have any function/variable/class defined in to be accessible within The contents of the module are as follows:

#example1.pyMY_EX1_STRING = 'Welcome to Example1 module!'def yolo(x: int):
print("You only LIve", x, "times.")

To import these items within

#example2.pyimport example1# imported string
print("The imported string is: ", example1.MY_EX1_STRING)
# imported function
Output from running

Just to re-iterate what’s clearly noticeable, the items within the imported module can be accessed using the dot notation — for example, example1.yolo() or example1.MY_EX1_STRING. If you ever feel that writing example1.XXX every single time seems a bit too long, we can use an alias using asand rewrite as follows. As you correctly guessed, the output would still remain the same.

#example2.pyimport example1 as e1# imported string
print("The imported string is: ", e1.MY_EX1_STRING)
# imported function

What exactly happens when we write an ‘import’ statement?

The python interpreter tries to look for the directory containing the module we are trying to import in sys.path. It is a list of directories that Python will search once it is done looking at the cached modules and Python standard library modules.

Let’s see what our system path contains at this very moment (by commenting out previous lines of code in import example1
# print("The imported string is: ", example1.MY_EX1_STRING)
# example1.yolo(10)
import sys
Output from sys.path

As you can see, the very first element in the list returned bysys.path points to the Medium_Imports_Tutorial/scriptsdirectory, which is where our imported module i.e. resides. Now mind you, this was no coincidence that this directory was magically present in sys.path.

The output from sys.path will always contain the current directory at index 0! The current directory being the one where the script being run resides.

This is the reason importing is fairly straightforward when both the caller and callee modules reside within the same directory.

What if I only want to import certain, but not all, items from the imported module?

In our example, we only have a string and a function defined within the module. An important thing to remember is that whenever an import statement is made, the entire module will be run. To prove this, let’s modify the slightly:

#example1.pyprint("Thanks for importing Example1 module.")MY_EX1_STRING = 'Welcome to Example1 module!'def yolo(x: int):
print("You only LIve", x, "times.")

And now try You will see that the print statement along with the output from yolo(10000)will also be printed (in addition to the previous outputs).

Note: There is a workaround wherein we can control whether or not the statement would be run when imported. For example, see the code snippet below.

#example1.pyprint("Thanks for importing Example1 module.")MY_EX1_STRING = 'Welcome to Example1 module!'def yolo(x: int):
print("You only LIve", x, "times.")
if __name__ == '__main__':

The code inside the if__name__ == '__main__'statement won’t be run when imported, but yolo() and MY_EX1_STRING defined outside are ready for use through an import. Having said that, if we were to run as a standalone module, the code within the if statement would be executed.

Output from running

Anyhoo, now that I have proved importing a module runs all of its contents (if not using if __name__ == “__main__"), it must be fairly intuitive why importing only the items of interest would make sense. Let’s see how to do this in example2.pyby only importing the yolo function from This also helps us get rid of the dot notation and we can simply use the yolo function as-is.

#example2.pyfrom example1 import yolo

Similarly, we could have done from example1 import yolo, MY_EX1_STRING to import both the objects from

Note: Oftentimes, there exist codes that include import statements such as from example1 import *. This essentially means import everything, however, this is considered bad practice because it negatively impacts the code readability.

What’s the need for PYTHONPATH?

If you ever notice the directory structures for projects on Github, oftentimes there is a utils directory that contains some utility scripts for common tasks like preprocessing, data cleaning, etc. These are kept separate from the main scripts and meant to be reused.

Let’s go ahead and create one for our project. The utils package is going to contain three modules —,, and for returning length, lowercase, and uppercase of a string input, respectively.

We are also going to create module at the project root. This is where we will be importing the modules in the util package.

The contents for the three modules are as follows:

#utils/length.pydef get_length(name: str):
return len(name)
#utils/lower.pydef to_lower(name: str):
return name.lower()
#utils/upper.pydef to_upper(name: str):
return name.upper()

Now, if we have to import the module in, this is how we would normally do it.

#example3_outer.pyimport utils.lengthres = utils.length.get_length("Hello")
print("The length of the string is: ",res)

It is important to note that if you were to do an import length instead of import utils.length, you would get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘length’. This is because the sys.path list does not contain the ../Medium_Imports_Tutorial/utils directory (yet) which is needed for it to find the module. Let’s see how we can add it to the sys.path list.

There are two ways to do this:

Method 1: using sys.path.append

#example3_outer.pyimport os
import sys
fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'utils')
import length
txt = "Hello"
res_len = length.get_length(txt)
print("The length of the string is: ",res_len)

Few things to consider:

  • The order of imports is important — only once you have appended the path to utilsdirectory using sys.path.append can you execute the import length statement.
    In short, don’t be tempted to club imports os, import sys, and import length all at the top of the script just for neatness!
  • os.path.dirname(__file__) returns the absolute path to the current working directory. We use os.path.join to add the utils directory to this path.
  • As always, accessing the functions defined in the imported module is facilitated using dot notation i.e. length.get_length().

Method 2: using PYTHONPATH environment variable

More often, I find it is easier to modify the pythonpath variable than deal with appending directories using Method 1.

PYTHONPATH is an environment variable which you can set to add additional directories where python will look for modules and packages.[Source]

Before we modify it, let’s check its contents (to make sure we are not overwriting) using echo $PYTHONPATH in the terminal :

Looks like it's empty for now but in case it isn’t, it's always recommended to modify the pythonpath in a way that you are appending to it and not overwriting it. More specifically, you must add your new directory to PYTHONPATH, separated by a colon (:) from its existing contents.

With the pythonpath variable set, we no longer need to append to sys.pathin have commented them out in the snippet below for clarity). os
#import sys
#fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'utils')
import length
txt = "Hello"
res_len = length.get_length(txt)
print("The length of the string is: ",res_len)

Note: Once you close python, the list will revert to the previous default values. If you’d like to permanently add a directory to PYTHONPATH, add the export command (export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/utils) to your ~/.bashrc. (See this StackOverflow discussion).

Finally, having defined both the methods, let’s pick one (based on your preference/use case) to import the remaining two modules — and lower.pyin
(P.S. I am going with Method 1 just for fun.)

#example3_outer.pyimport os
import sys
fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'utils')
import length
import upper
import lower
txt = "Hello"res_len = length.get_length(txt)
print("The length of the string is: ",res_len)
res_up = upper.to_upper(txt)
print("Uppercase txt: ", res_up)
res_low = lower.to_lower(txt)
print("Uppercase txt: ", res_low)

Super! This looks awesome. However, wouldn’t it be great if we could just do import utils instead of importing all the modules within it individually? After all, our use-case suggests we do require all three functions. So how do we do it?

When do we need

First, let’s try importing the utils directory within (after commenting out all the existing code):

#example3_outer.pyimport utils

Running this script won’t cause any error, and rightly so — the interpreter will look inside sys.path and it will find the current directory ../Medium_Imports_Tutorial at index 0. This is all it needs to find the utils directory.

Now let’s try to access the module from utils:

#example3_outer.pyimport utilstxt = "Hello"
res = utils.length.get_length(txt)

When you try to run this script, you will see an AttributeError: module ‘utils’ has no attribute ‘length’. In layman terms, this means we won’t be able to access any python scripts inside of utilssimply because interpreter doesn’t know this is a package yet!

We can turn this directory into a package by introducing file within utils folder.

Within, we import all the modules that we think are necessary for our project.

# utils/ (incorrect way of importing)from length import get_length
from lower import to_lower
from upper import to_upper

And let’s call it within

import utilstxt = "Hello"
res_low = utils.to_lower(txt)

Wait a sec! Why do we see an error upon running
Answer: The way we have imported modules in __init__.pyabove might seem logical to you — after all and (or, are at the same level so no reason from lower import to_lower won’t work. Infact, if you were to run this init file on its own, it will execute flawlessly (it will give no output but will execute successfully nonetheless).

Having said that, we cannot use the above way of importing because even though and are at the same level as the, this is not the level from which init will be called. In reality, we are making the call from so the sys.path will only have’s current directory i.e. ../Medium_Imports_Tutorial to search within for any imports. Hence, when the interpreter encounters import utils command within, even though it travels to inside utils directory, the sys.path does not get automatically updated and the interpreter has no way of knowing where to find the module named length. We must somehow point to the location of the utils directory. To do so, we can either use relative or absolute import within (or set the PYTHONPATH variable as described above).

Relative imports (not recommended): specify the path relative to the path of the calling script.

# utils/__init__.pyfrom .lower import to_lower
from .upper import to_upper
from .length import get_length

We use the dot notation( . or ..) in specifying relative imports. The single dot before lower refers to the same directory as the one from which the import is called. This can be visualized as importing to_lower() from ./ Similarly, double dots before a module name means moving up two levels from the current level.

Absolute imports (better choice): specify the absolute path of the imported module from the project root (or any other dir which sys.path has access to).

# utils/__init__.pyfrom utils.lower import to_lower
from utils.upper import to_upper
from utils.length import get_length

Now, this packs much more information compared to relative imports and are less prone to breaking. Additionally, sys.path has access to the project root i.e. ../Medium_Imports_Tutorial as explained above and from there it can easily search for utils directory. (Why? Because it is the project roots’ immediate child directory).

What happens when we import a package with an defined? This acts as an initialization step and it is the first file to be executed when we import the package. Given that we do all the necessary imports in here, the code is much cleaner in the calling script. For example:

#example3_outer.pyimport utilstxt = "Hello"
res_len = utils.get_length(txt)
res_up = utils.to_upper(txt)
res_low = utils.to_lower(txt)

Awesome! Now we have converted our utils directory into a package. The beauty of this package is that it can be imported anywhere and used almost immediately. Let’s see how we can use this package inside the scripts directory. Let’s go ahead and create a new file called within scripts.

# scripts/example3.pyimport os
import sys
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(

import utils
************** OUTPUT *********

Few things to consider:

  • Before importing utils package, we must make sure utils's parent directory i.e. project root is accessible to the Python interpreter. It will be imprudent to assume it will happen by default, mainly because we are now one level inside the project root directory (we are running the script from scripts/, the sys.path will have ../Medium/Imports_Tutorial/scripts at index 0.
  • os.path.dirname(__file__) will give the name of the directory for the current script and os.pardir will give the path to the parent directory using dot notation i.e. .. . All in all, os.path.abspath will be providing the absolute path to the project root.

Bonus: We can even add modules from other directories into our For instance, let’s bring in the yolo() defined in scripts/

# utils/__init__.pyfrom utils.lower import to_lower
from utils.upper import to_upper
from utils.length import get_length
from scripts.example1 import yolo

Calling this function in

# scripts/example3.pyimport os
import sys
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
import utils
************** OUTPUT *********
You only LIve 2 times.


To be honest, import errors used to really freak me out in the beginning because this was one area I never had to bother with. Over the years I have learned one useful trick — for whichever package/module you are trying to import using import XYZ, make sure the Python interpreter has access to it. If not, update the sys.path or even better append the relevant directory to the PYTHONPATH variable and avoid having to deal with it in your scripts.

As always if there’s an easier way to do/explain some of the things mentioned in this article, do let me know. In general, refrain from unsolicited destructive/trash/hostile comments!

Until next time ✨



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