Data Understanding for Machine Learning: Assessment & Exploration

Stacey Ronaghan
Towards Data Science
6 min readSep 19, 2019


Quality data is fundamental to any data science engagement. To gain actionable insights, the appropriate data must be sourced and cleansed. There are two key stages of Data Understanding: a Data Assessment and Data Exploration.

Data Assessment

The first step in data understanding is a Data Assessment. This should be undertaken before the kick-off of a project as it is an important step to validate its feasibility. This task evaluates what data is available and how it aligns to the business problem. It should answer the following questions:

  • What data is available?
  • How much data is available?
  • Do you have access to the ground truth, the values you’re trying to predict?
  • What format will the data be in?
  • Where does it reside?
  • How can the data be accessed?
  • Which fields are most important?
  • How do the multiple data sources get joined?
  • What important metrics are reported using this data?
  • If applicable, how does the data map to the current method of completing the task today?

Key Considerations

Collecting Ground Truth Data

If you wish to make predictions using machine learning, you most likely require a labeled data set. For each of your examples, you need the correct value, or appropriate category, that the machine learning model should learn to predict; this is called the Ground Truth. This may already be available to you as it’s an action or event (e.g. a value indicating whether or not the customer churned) or it might be something you need to collect (e.g. the topic of an email).

If the ground truth needs to be collected, or manually labeled, a plan should be made to understand how this would be achieved and the time and effort it will take to complete. This should be carefully considered as the this could be too time-consuming, and consequently costly, making the project unfeasible.

Data Relevance

Write down all the different data points that will be made available and evaluate if it intuitively makes sense that a machine learning model could predict with this data. Is there proven evidence that there is a connection between these data points and what you wish to achieve? If you add unrelated features to a machine learning model, you’re adding noise, making the algorithm look for connections that aren’t there. This can result in decreased performance.

Conversely, if a human is undertaking this task today, explore what they use to make the decision. Is that data available to be used in the model? When building a model, it is good to start simple — use only the obvious features first and see how this performs before adding those you’re less sure about. This allows you to evaluate if the additional features add value.

Quantity of Data

To successfully build a machine learning model, you must be sufficient data. There is no strict formula to calculate how much should be use as it is dependent on the complexity of the problem and algorithms you are using.

One rule of thumb is to ensure you have at least ten times as many examples as the number of parameters your model needs to train. For logistic or linear regression models, the number of parameters corresponds to the number of features (as you have a weight for each feature) plus one (for your bias). Whilst, for deep learning, each neuron has a weight to be trained and each layer an additional bias.

You can also use the predicted output to estimate the number of samples you need. If you’re using traditional machine learning approaches (random forests, logistic regression) to classify your data you want hundreds of examples (ideally more) of each class. Whilst with deep learning techniques, the number of examples needed significantly increases; often requiring thousands of each class. When working with regression problems (predicting a numerical output), you can bucket these to ensure you’ve enough examples for each range.

Finally, try to ensure you have lots of variation in your features too. For example, if you are predicting house prices and one of your inputs is neighborhood, you want to make sure you have good coverage of all neighborhoods so the model can learn how this impacts the price.


It is important at the beginning of a project to consider potential harms from your tool. These harms can be caused by designing for only a narrow group of users, having insufficient representation of sub-populations, or human labelers favoring a privileged group.

Machine learning discovers and generalizes patterns in the data and could, therefore, replicate bias. If a group is under-represented, the machine learning model has fewer examples to learn from, resulting in reduced accuracy for those individuals in this group.

When implementing these models at scale, it can result in a large number of biased decisions, harming a large number of people. Ensure you have evaluated risks and have techniques in place to mitigate them.

Data Exploration

Once you have access to data, you can start Data Exploration. This is a phase for creating meaningful summaries of your data and is particularly important if you are unfamiliar with the data. This is also the time you should test your assumptions. The types of activities and possible questions to ask are:

  • Count the number of records — is this what you expected?
  • What are the datatypes? Will you need to change these for a machine learning model?
  • Look for missing values — how should you deal with these?
  • Verify the distribution of each column — are they matching the distribution you expect (e.g. normally distributed)?
  • Search for outliers — are there anomalies in your data? Are all values valid (e.g. no ages less than 0)?
  • Validated if your data is balanced — are different groups represented in your data? Are there enough examples of each class you wish to predict?
  • Is there bias in your data — are subgroups in your data treated more favorable than others?

Key Considerations

Missing Values

An ideal dataset would be complete, with valid values for every observation. However, in reality, you will come across many “NULL” or “NaN” values.

The simplest way to deal with missing data is to remove all rows that have a missing value but valuable information can be lost or you could introduce bias. Consequently, it is important to try to understand if there is a reason or pattern for the missing values. For example, particular groups of people may not respond to certain questions in a survey; removing them will prevent learning trends within these groups.

An alternative to removing data is imputing values; replacing missing values with an appropriate substitute. For continuous variables, the mean, median, or mode are often used. Whilst, for categorical data it is frequently the mode or a new category (e.g. “NA”). If columns have a high proportion of values missing, you may wish to remove them entirely.


An outlier is a data point that is significantly different from other observations. Once you identify outliers, you should also investigate what may have caused them.

Outliers could indicate bad data: data that was incorrectly collected. If this is the case, you may wish to remove these data points or replace them (similar to how you impute values for missing data). Alternatively, these values could be interesting and useful for your machine learning model.

Some machine learning algorithms, such as linear regression, can be sensitive to outliers. Consequently, you may wish to only use algorithms more robust to outliers, such as random forest or gradient boosted trees.

Un-balanced Data

A dataset is unbalanced if each class does not have a similar number of examples. This is common with classification problems such as fraud detection; the majority of transactions are normal, whilst a small proportion are fraudulent.

Machine learning algorithms learn from examples; the more examples it has, the more confident it can be in the patterns it has discovered. If your data is unbalanced, the model may not be able to identify what patterns are associated with the minority categories.

Care must be taken with the performance metric you use when working with unbalanced data. For example, accuracy can be misleading in our fraud example: if 99.9% of transactions are not-fraud, a model can be 99.9% accurate by simply labeling all transactions as “non-fraud” with no need to search for further patterns. You may wish to consider other metrics such as precision, recall or F1-score.

Features may also be unbalanced, preventing the algorithm from learning how these categories impact the output. For example, you have a dataset containing mostly one sub-population, when customers outside of this group use your product are not getting successful results. To prevent this form of bias, you should calculate your accuracy metrics for different categories.

Next Steps

After you’ve gained a thorough understanding of your data, hopefully you are ready to move to the next step Data Preparation: Cleansing, Transformation & Feature Engineering.

